Game action
Dungeon Siege III

Dungeon Siege III Achievements

Full list of all 54 Dungeon Siege III achievements.

The base game contains 44 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 10 achievements.

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  • Rivalry

    You have disagreed on dialogue choices 20 times in one session.

  • Party of Four

    You were part of a four-player party that completed the game together.

  • Jinx

    You were part of a conversation wherein four players were all in agreement as to what to say.

  • Military Intelligence

    You were part of a conversation wherein four players were all in disagreement over what to say.

  • Helping Hand

    While joined to another player's game, you used an empowered Defensive Ability to assist the party.

  • Fellowship of the Ding

    You took part in a level-up while in a four-player game.

  • Nerds Hate Sunlight

    You and a friend have played for three hours in one session.

  • Maximum Bro Fist

    Playing co-op as Lucas and Reinhart, you defeated a boss.


Treasures of the Sun

141 (43%)
Treasures of the Sun
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