Game action
Draft of Darkness

Draft of Darkness Achievements

Here is the full list of all 56 Draft of Darkness achievements.

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  • Under Control

    Defeat the Carcasses by slaying the Carcass of Control last.

  • Pacifist

    Defeat 3 enemies in a single encounter without dealing direct damage.

  • No Complaint

    Defeat the Crawler Brute by getting Webbed, but not using any Struggle cards.

  • Unstoppable Force

    Stagger the Claw after her Rage move.

  • Only the Patient

    Defeat the Old Patient by slaying it when the Sentries are dead.

  • Master Lone Wolf

    Reach the end of Hospital without recruiting companions during the whole run.

  • Lone Wolf

    Reach the end of Streets without recruiting companions during the whole run.

  • Sensitive Stomach

    Reach the end of Hospital without using Pills or Vitamins the whole run.

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