2. Demetrios - The BIG Cynical Adventure General hints and tips

When you reach the start menu for the game, you will be faced with several options:

  • Continue - you continue the game from your last auto or manual save.
  • New Game - start a new game. This will overwrite any previous auto-save.
  • Load - load any of your available saves or click the Chapters button for chapter select.
  • Options - change display, sound and gameplay options, as well as increasing controller joystick speed.
  • Credits
  • Game Overs - view your Game Overs progress.
  • Achievements - takes you to the Achievements hub for the game.
  • Extras - unlock music, artwork and mini-games from the main menu.

The title gives you six save slots. The first slot will always be taken up by the game's auto-save function, giving you five to use as you see fit. If you're following this guide step by step, you will only need one slot to make a manual save late into the game and I’ll tell you when we reach that stage – the rest you can use as you wish. However, if you're trying to find the collectibles on your own, I would recommend creating a save at the start of each chapter so you don't lose any collectible progress from previous chapters.

There are two types of collectibles in the game. The first is the game overs. Progress is cumulative over all playthroughs, so if you overlook any of these, you can use chapter select to go back and find the ones that you are missing. The second type is the cookies. Using chapter select or starting a new game resets the game's record of the cookies that you've found. However, the achievement only requires players to find 114 cookies. It's possible to find cookies multiple times and have them count towards the achievement. For example, you find 100 cookies in the first playthrough. You can then start another playthrough, or load up a chapter, and find any 14 cookies to reach the total of 114 and earn the achievement, even if you had found some or all of them previously. I’ll be telling you where all of the collectibles are anyway.

At the start of the game, you can choose how much toilet humour you want to see throughout the title. If you want to get all of the achievements in a single playthrough, you'll need to choose "Yes! Gimme all of it!" If you choose either of the other two options, certain item interactions are removed and conversation options are changed, making some of the achievements unobtainable.

Players can navigate a scene using either a controller or traditional point and click controls with a mouse and keyboard. I recommend using a mouse and keyboard, especially for the funfair mini-games where quick precision can be the difference between succeeding and failing. You can view all of the interactable spots in the current scene at the press of a button if you're struggling to find something. The objective bar allows you to see your current objective and the number of hint cookies you possess, as well as access the special items, save your game and exit to the main menu.

In this game you will meet several self-centred people, most of whom have a vital part to play in the game's plot. You don't need to read all of their conversation -- you can speed up the dialogue. You can also skip the dialogue completely and choose the next option, but this is not available until after you've completed the campaign once. On the contrary, while you can skip the very first cutscene, you can't skip any of the others. In the Pause menu you have most of the Main Menu options except the Credits. Instead you can check the Cookies that you've collected too, so it's possible to check your collectible progress on the fly.

I will be using specific formatting for this walkthrough to make it easier to see what is what. Bold text represents items that can be added to Bjorn/Sandra's inventory. Underlined text represents people that you will meet. Text that is in "quotation marks" represents dialogue options. Locations will be in Bold text and Underlined. The game overs and cookie locations will be highlighted in text boxes. I'll also use screenshots to help with locating objects. Useful objects will be circled in red. The collectible cookies will be circled in blue.

Let's begin the story.

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