Deadside Achievements Here is the full list of all 29 Deadside achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply First stepMake you first step in game First bloodKill an enemy Cold SteelKill 10 AI bots with melee weapons GunslingerKill 100 AI bots with Pistols Need for LeadKill 100 AI bots with SMGs Lead StormKill 100 AI bots with Assault Rifles Son of a ShotgunKill 100 AI bots with Shotguns RiflemanKill 100 AI bots with Rifles Hottest PotatoKill 10 AI bots with Grenades Headshot!Kill 50 AI bots with headshot Last bulletKill 10 AI bots with the last bullet in a clip There can only OneKill 10 players Full ArsenalKill one AI bot with each weapon ModderPut any mod onto a weapon Mr. Fix-ItCraft any item A man's home is his castleBuild your first base Field DoctorTear any item to rags LumberjackChop 100 logs TraderBuy or sell 100 items GourmetConsume all kinds of food and drinks Make it beepAssemble the Bearing Finder Novice treasure hunterFind the first loot stash Experienced treasure hunterFind 10 loot stashes Daring treasure hunterFind 100 loot stashes First journey completedTo drive on a trolley for the first time Underground road loverRide the trolley 10 times Underground road expertRide a trolley 100 times SpeleologistVisit all caves AnglerCatch all types of fish