Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Achievements Full list of all 41 Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony achievements. It takes around 100-120 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 41 Offline Mode 41 Single Player 14 Main Storyline 3 Difficulty Specific 4 Collectable 2 Cumulative + 1 Cumulative - 2 Level 4 Shop 4 Multiple Playthroughs Required Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Harmony's Last RewardObtain all achievements. Ultimate Cold OpenClear the prologue. A Very Special Class TrialClear Chapter 1. Sweeps WeekClear Chapter 2. Graveyard SlotClear Chapter 3. Virtual RemakeClear Chapter 4. Signing OffClear Chapter 5. Goodbye Studio AudienceClear Chapter 6. One Man's Trash...Unlock new areas inside the academy. Reach Out and Touch WraithConduct the seance. You Have to See It For YourselfEnter the Virtual World. The Truth Is Out ThereLearn the truth of the outside world. Class Trial of the CenturyAttend the final class trial. True Discipline Come from WithinAchieve the maximum level. Bond. True Bond.Achieve the highest level bond with someone. You Need to Diversify Yo Bonds.Achieve the highest level bond with everyone. We're More Like Present ProtectorsCollect every present. Just According to RonpaRefute an argument. Master SilencerShoot down over 500 white noise. From a Certain Point of ViewPresent false evidence. Veni Vidi ViciPerform a V-Refute, V-Agree, and V-Lie. So What's Wrong with Taking the Back Streets?Take an alternate route during the Nonstop Debate. You'll Never Know If You Don't GoTake every alternate route in a Nonstop Debate. Giving It Up at the Hotel KumasutraUse the Love Key to spend the night with a student. Hidden ChallengeFind a hidden Monokuma. Monokuma WranglerFind every hidden Monokuma. King of RedecoratingSlap around objects at least 1,000 times. No Stopping This OutlawAchieved an S-Rank on Mean difficulty in OUTLAW RUN. Fisher KingAchieved an S-Rank on Mean difficulty in SALMON FISHING. Monolithic AchievementAchieved an S-Rank on Mean difficulty in TREASURE HUNTER! MONOLITH. Lucky Number SevenGet all 7s on the MonoMono Slots. 1 guideCasino Royale with CheeseOwn more than 10,000 casino coins. A Bright Future Awaits UsReach the true ending in "Love Across the Universe." New Kid on CampusComplete the Ultimate Talent Development Plan with one student. Passing Is Optional, Finishing is MandatoryClear the final exam of the Ultimate Talent Development Plan. Masterful DevelopmentComplete the Ultimate Talent Development Plan with every student, regardless of rarity. The First of ManyDefeat the first boss of Despair Dungeon: Monokuma's Test. Reaching the SummitClear Despair Dungeon: Monokuma's Test. Overcoming True FearDefeat the hidden boss in Despair Dungeon: Monokuma's Test. That's All, Folks!Obtain all the Ultimate cards. V3 CompleteUnlock the entire gallery.