DISTRAINT Achievements Here is the full list of all 16 DISTRAINT achievements. It takes around 2-3 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 16 Offline Mode 16 Single Player 9 Main Storyline 7 Missable Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The First DistraintTake over the property of Mrs. Goodwin. Coffee, Please!Find water to make coffee. The Second DistraintTake over the property of Mr. Tailor. The ElectricianGet the electricity back on. The Fire MakerCreate fire. The Third DistraintTake over the property of Mr. Jones. The EndComplete the game. The Long WalkTry to use any item with a sign. 1 guideWhere Is Your Dignity?Try taking water for the coffee from the toilet. 1 guideCheer Up, Mate!Try to cheer up the depressed dancer. 1 guideSniff This!Try to offer the dog some gasoline. 1 guideThe WhistleTalk to the cleaning lady. 1 guideJackpotWin the jackpot. A Flower To You, Beautiful!Try giving flower to nurse. 1 guideHah, Hah, HahListen what Jenni has to say about the prank. 1 guideThe LightVisit the grave of Mrs. Goodwin.