Corona Blossom Vol.2 The Truth From Beyond Achievements Here is the full list of all 22 Corona Blossom Vol.2 The Truth From Beyond achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply WE HAVE LIFTOFFBoot up the game! HOLDING UP THE STARSComplete the prologue! GONNA PRESS THAT SWITCH?Complete chapter 1, part 1! CHASING LOST DREAMSComplete chapter 1, part 2! DOES ANYONE NEED A MAID?Complete chapter 2, part 1! MELTINGComplete chapter 2, part 2! OPPOSITE-SEX ATTRACTIONComplete chapter 2, part 3! MAID DUEL!Complete chapter 3, part 1! LILY'S UNEXPECTED WEAKNESSComplete chapter 3, part 2! THE PRICE YOU PAYComplete chapter 3, part 3! WHITE AND MISSHAPENComplete chapter 4, part 1! SHE IS WHO SHE ISComplete chapter 4, part 2! CLUTCHED IN HER FISTComplete chapter 4, part 3! THANKS; YOUR WORLDComplete chapter 5, part 1! MY OWN STARRY SKYComplete chapter 5, part 2! SIGNPOST TO THE SKIESComplete chapter 5, part 3! WHEREABOUTS OF THE TRUTHComplete chapter 5, part 4! THE TRUTH FROM BEYONDPlease look forward to Vol.3! IS THAT A FISH IN YOUR EAR?Play the game in English SO YOU CAN READ MOONRUNES?Play the game in Japanese 'A' FOR EFFORTRead Yunie's explanation A SINGLE STEPPlay the game in Chinese (Simplified)