Citizens of Earth Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 Citizens of Earth achievements. It takes around 25-30 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Out of My WayDefeat 50 enemies. Who's Next?Defeat 250 enemies. No Pardons For YouDefeat 1,000 enemies. 1 guideMud SlingerDeal 500 damage in combat. Heavy HitterDeal 2,500 damage in combat. Master BureaucratDeal 10,000 damage in combat. Ouchie!Receive 500 damage in combat. Walk it Off!Receive 2,500 damage in combat. Bring it On!Receive 10,000 damage in combat. Junior StatesmanRecruit 5 citizens. Career PoliticianRecruit 25 citizens. World LeaderRecruit all 40 citizens. Easy MoneyEarn $1,000. FundraiserEarn $3,000. Early RetirementEarn $10,000. Budget CutsSpend $1,000. Government SpendingSpend $3,000. Raising the DeficitSpend $10,000. Finders, KeepersFind 15 treasures. Treasure HunterFind 45 treasures. Intelligence NetworkFind 100 treasures. Odds 'n EndsCollect 30 items. HoarderCollect 100 items. Presidential LibraryCollect 300 items. Pick Me UpUse 25 items. Supply and DemandUse 75 items. Charitable DonationUse 150 items. ExplorerDiscover 10 locations. TrailblazerDiscover 20 locations. GlobetrotterDiscover 30 locations. Welcome to OfficeDefeat the Opposition Leader. Coffee BreakDefeat Mr. Mocha. Capitol PunishmentDefeat the Puppet President. Peace and LoveDefeat the Hippie Guru. The Way the Cookie CrumblesDefeat Colonel Cookie. Security BreachDefeat Agent D.O.O.M. Feel the Rhythm, Feel the RhymeDefeat DJ Voodoo. Southern InhospitalityDefeat Honcho Villa. With Their Powers Combined...Defeat the Mishmasher. Way-Too-Close EncounterDefeat the Alien Commander. Crisis AvertedDefeat the Secretary Supreme. House of CardsEarn $100,000 in the Casino. No Citizen Left BehindEnroll 9 citizens simultaneously in School. Ambassador's ClubGet one citizen to Lv 20. Diplomat's ClubGet all citizens to Lv 30. Maximizing Your PotentialGet one citizen to Talent Lv 3. Favored to WinAmbush 10 enemies in a row. New Sheriff in TownComplete all Wanted Poster quests. Roll Up Your SleevesComplete all Extermination quests. PaparazziComplete all Photography quests.