Cabela's Big Game Hunter Pro Hunts Achievements Here is the full list of all 31 Cabela's Big Game Hunter Pro Hunts achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 31 Offline Mode 31 Single Player 9 Main Storyline 3 Collectable 9 Cumulative + 9 Level 10 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply One With The StarsFinish the Pro Hunts Slam. King Of The SoutheastFinish all regular hunts in the Southeast region. Hide adsKing Of The NortheastFinish all regular hunts in the Northeast region. King Of The SouthwestFinish all regular hunts in the Southwest region. King Of The NorthwestFinish all regular hunts in the Northwest region. Boar ExpertComplete all Wild Boar hunts in the Southeast region. Caribou ExpertComplete all Caribou hunts in the Northeast region. Pronghorn ExpertComplete all Pronghorn hunts in the Southwest region. Grizzly ExpertComplete all Grizzly hunts in the Northwest region. Big Pile Of SmallHunt 200 small game in campaign mode. CollectorComplete your collection in trophy viewer with all animal types. Gun PowderBuy all ammunition types. OpticianBuy all scopes. ArsenalBuy all firearms and bows. Call Of The WildernessSuccessfully use any type of call 25 times. Tag And You're OutUse binoculars to tag 15 8-point plus big game trophies. 10 x 2Get 10 double lung shots. SurgeonHunt 10 big game animals by shooting them in the spine. PatienceHunt 15 trophies from any shooting rest or stand. BloodhoundCollect 250 animal tracks. VampireCollect 250 blood spots. Gears Of HuntBuy all accessories for .223 Varmint rifles. Three PeltsHunt 3 bears in open hunts in one hunt. Family Stays TogetherHunt 2 Elks from the same herd. One On OneHunt a Black Bear with the Recurve Bow while it's attacking you. Eagle EyeHunt any big game from more than 200 yards with any 2x scope. SniperHit a big game from more than 250 yards. Double FeatherShot two birds with one Shotgun shot. ShashlikHunt any small game with any bow from more than 70 yards. Heart BreakerShoot a Grizzly in the heart. Alpha BearHunt 10 Bears with the Semi-Auto .30-06 rifle.