1. Broken Age Walkthrough overview

Welcome to the Broken Age walkthrough. Here we will be guiding you through completing all of the puzzles and talking to all of the necessary characters to get through the entire story. This game will need two playthroughs to unlock all of the achievements. First we will be completing the story in the quickest way whilst still gathering 43 of the game's 45 achievements. The second playthrough will be a speedrun where we complete the game in the most efficient way possible to earn the final two achievements.

A normal playthrough will take you 8-10 hours if solving all of the puzzles yourself. With the use of this guide, we've got it down to 7-9 hours for the first playthrough and less than an hour for the second. There is only one difficulty, so there is no need to worry about any difficulty-based achievements. While none of the achievements are buggy either, there are 23 missable achievements that will cause you to either start another save or reload an earlier manual save to be able to earn them.

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