Bloons TD 6 Achievements Full list of all 150 Bloons TD 6 achievements. It takes around 200 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Windows.The base game contains 49 achievements, and there are 17 DLC packs containing 101 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 18 Offline Mode 25 Online Mode 98 Online/Offline 135 Single Player 49 Cooperative 1 Host Only 22 Difficulty Specific 29 Stackable 68 Cumulative + 9 Level 7 Shop 31 Time/Date 1 External Content 18 Time Consuming Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (11)Note: Flagging is not complete for this game What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply ImpoppablePop 100,000,000 bloons MOAB AssassinDestroy 25,000 MOABs BFB BrawlerDestroy 10,000 BFBs ZOMGinatorDestroy 5,000 ZOMGs Me Did A Job On DDTDestroy 5,000 DDTs SapperPop 5,000,000 Fortified bloons First Win1 Non-Tutorial Beginner map Win 1 guideGrasshopperWins on 9 different Beginner maps 1 guideNext LevelWin 1 game on an Intermediate map 1 guideAcolyteWin games on 5 different Intermediate maps Advanced PlayerWin 1 game on an Advanced map Big MonkeyDeploy a tier 4 monkey tower 1 guideMega MonkeyDeploy a tier 5 monkey tower 1 guideHero TimeDeploy a Hero on a non-tutorial map 1 guideHero Powers ActivateUse any Hero Level 3 Ability 1 guideBigger, BadderUse any Hero Level 10 Ability 1 guideEpic HeroLevel any Hero to level 20 1 guideMonkey Avenger LeagueWin a game for 4 different Heroes 1 guideYou've Got The PowerUse Powers for the first time 1 guidePower UserUse Powers 25 times EmpoweredUse Powers 100 times StudentApply your first Monkey Knowledge point 1 guideScholarApply 10 Monkey Knowledge points Knowledgeable PrimateUnlock all Monkey Knowledge in one branch Dr. MonkeySpend 106 Monkey Knowledge points 1 guideFirst Monkeys FirstWin 10 games using only Primary monkeys War MonkeysWin 10 games using only Military monkeys AbracadabmonkeyWin 10 games using only Magic monkeys Unsung MonkeysWin 10 games using only Support monkeys InflatedBeat round 100 in Deflation mode SurvivorBeat round 100 in Apopalypse mode IndieWin 25 games with Alternate Bloon Rounds PoppableWin 25 games on Impoppable Difficulty ThriftyWin 10 games in Half Cash mode Bloonzilla!Win 25 games against Double HP MOABs Role ReverserWin a game in Reverse mode Medal WinnerGet all medals for a map Decorated HeroGet 36 medals on Beginner maps Red And Blue Makes...Pop 100,000 Purple bloons InfraredPop 250,000 Camo bloons Our Powers CombinedCollect at least 12 different Powers ChallengerWin 1 Daily Challenge 1 guideChallenge ApprenticeWin 10 Daily Challenges Challenge MasterWin 100 Daily Challenges Perfect WeekComplete all Daily Challenges in a week 1 guideBloons MasterBeat 1 map in CHIMPS mode Superior Bloons MasterBeat 5 maps in CHIMPS mode Ultimate Bloons MasterBeat 15 maps in CHIMPS mode Super BADDestroy 1,000 BADs 1 guide Update Version 11.0 260 140 14 0.0013,574895 (7%) Co-operationBeat 1 map in Co-op mode Four times the funBeat 1 map in 4-player Co-op mode Triple threatBeat 1 map in 3-player Co-op mode Collaborate!Have 4 Heroes on screen at once When the going gets tough...Win 10 games on Hard difficulty in Co-op mode Kind BenefactorGive 10,000 Cash in Co-op mode Generous BenefactorGive 50,000 Cash in Co-op mode Monkey ContributorGive 100,000 Cash in Co-op mode Monkey PhilanthropistGive 1,000,000 Cash in Co-op mode PowershareUse 10 Powers in Co-op mode Power overwhelming!Use 100 Powers in Co-op mode Insta-defenseUse 5 Insta-Monkeys in Co-op mode Co-op PopperPop 10,000,000 Bloons in Co-op mode Big BloonsPat likes hugging Big Bloons even more 1 guide Update Version 12.0 374 120 12 0.006,862494 (7%) Alchermistman and BloonacleboyYou have it set to M for mini, when it should be W for wumbo 1 guide2TCComplete a game in CHIMPS Difficulty with only 2 towers Snap of your fingersFinish a game with exactly half your starting lives and half your starting cash Bill GreatesSend $500,000 to an ally in co-op in one go Bloontona 500Gain entry to 500 Races Rookie of the yearComplete a Race in under 10 minutes Rising starComplete a Race in under 5 minutes Top of your gameComplete any Race in under 3 minutes The greatest challengeCreate or Play 200 Challenges Lookin fabWin 100 games using a skin of any Hero TherpopylaePop 200,000 Bloons on Peninsula 1 guideBloon Master PopulousDeal 1 billion damage with the Bloon Master Alchemist 1 guide Update Version 13.0 75 50 5 5.0014,3663,183 (22%)10-12h I see youReveal 10,000 Bloons using Shimmer TetriminoPlace 50 Monkeys on a map at once 1 guideAll for one and one for oneWin a game with only 1 Monkey on screen at any one time in any Hard Difficulty game Master of LifeHave 1000 lives at once in a single game Rainbow is MagicPop 20,000 Rainbow Bloons with Magic Monkeys Update Version 14.0 287 90 9 0.005,152481 (9%) Strangely AdorableWhen the planets align ever so nicely 1 guideJosh's ConstantB-B-Beat any Expert map on CHIMPS with $40,870 or more spent on 1 Spike Factory 1 guideWhat did it cost? - Everything:Sacrifice every tower type in the game to the Temple 2 MegaPopsComplete a game of CHIMPS with more than 2 million damage dealt by one tower A Crate TimeOpen a Diamond Crate in any Collection Event Axis of HavocHave one of each T5 sniper in one game of CHIMPS 1 guideTower KeeperHave 200 insta-monkeys in your inventory at one time A year in the makingOpen the Daily Chest 365 times 1 guideKali MaaaaaaaaGain 10 levels for Adora in one round Update Version 17.0 22 10 1 0.004,4724,007 (90%)0-1h Golden TicketBloompa-loompa-doompa-dee-doo! 1 guide Update Version 20.0 271 90 9 0.0010,624397 (4%) AdventurerComplete an Odyssey Seasoned AdventurerComplete a Hard Odyssey No Stone Left UnturnedComplete all 3 difficulties of a single Odyssey 12 Tasks of Monk-ulesComplete 12 different Odysseys Modysseus RisesComplete 50 Odysseys Modysseus ForeverComplete 100 Odysseys Full Speed Ahead!Complete an Odyssey in under 1 hour All About That BlingPurchase a Trophy Store item Mo Heroes, Mo ProblemsComplete an Odyssey without a Hero Update Version 21.0 117 50 5 0.0017,1011,112 (6%)4-5h Chunky MonkeysI like 'em big, I like 'em chunkay 2 guidesOathbreakersReanimate 250,000 bloons to fight on your side using the Necromancer Wizard Living on the EdgeWin any non-CHIMPS/Impoppable game with only 1 life remaining 1 guideFreaky FridayUse the Alchemist's Transforming Tonic abilities 100 times Monkey Fan ClubCreate or Login to your Ninja Kiwi account to cloud save your progress Update Version 22.0 274 100 10 0.008,320536 (6%) Ready Player One?Host and win 10 Co-op games Crash of the TitansStrip the fortifications from Fortified DDTs 3000 times A La CodeSubmit a Challenge to the Challenge Browser RegiftedPop 1,000,000 Bloons with Dartling Gunners Coupon CrazySpend at least 50 Trophies in the Trophy Store Instant GratificationUse a Tier 5 Insta Monkey. NOTE: even after being used, Instas still count toward your collection! Insta CenturyUse 100 Insta Monkeys Limited RunPurchase at least 1 new Limited Time item in the Trophy Store Tools to DarwinUpgrade towers 20,000 times Stubborn StrategyJust because a thing can be done, does not mean that it should be done 1 guide Update Version 26.0 467 110 11 0.008,702352 (4%) Achievement of AchievementsCollect 35 achievements Hook, Line, and SinkerRope in 3,000 MOAB-Class Bloons using the MOAB takedown ability Moving HouseRedeploy 1,000 monkey towers using the Support Chinook Social ButterflyUse emotes 100 times in co-op games So Shiny!Pop 20 Golden Bloons Glittering GoldPop 100 Golden Bloons Glorious GoldPop 500 Golden Bloons Magical GoldPop 50 Golden Bloons in Magic Monkeys only mode 1 guideTeam PlayerWin 25 times with Monkey Teams Team CaptainWin 50 times with Monkey Teams Ultimate Team-upWin 100 times with Monkey Teams Update Version 27.0 112 50 5 0.008,4261,717 (20%)8-10h What is this new Bloonery?Defeat a Tier 1 Boss Who's the Boss?Defeat a Tier 5 Boss I'm the BossDefeat a Tier 5 Elite Boss ApotheosisUpgrade to a Monkey Paragon Tower Like a BossPop 50 Boss Bloons Update Version 28.0 36 10 1 0.001,4691,469 (100%)1-2h Perfect ParagonParagon of Paragons Update Version 29.0 160 50 5 0.006,922742 (11%)2-3h Davids vs GoliathWin a boss battle without using a Hero So Spiiicey Ninja KiwiBeat Spice Islands on Alternate Bloon Rounds with only land towers No HarvestBeat Cornfield on CHIMPs without removing any corn Student Loans4 x 10^5 (Go into $400,000 of debt) Not Lacking Critical InformationGet 25,000 Critical hits 2 guides Update Version 30.0 128 40 4 0.007,074483 (7%)200+h Sticky SituationGlue 500,000 Bloons Big SpenderSpend 1,000,000 cash in one round The Daily ReidWin 365 unique daily challenges I'll Be BackSpend 1,000 MM on Continues or Checkpoints Update Version 32.0 116 30 3 4.251,759959 (55%)5-6h Conquested TerritoryCapture 5 tiles off other players Stage of EmpiresCapture 50 tiles Territory SamplerCapture 1 of each: Boss, Time Attack, Least Tiers and Least Cash tiles 1 guide Update Version 34.0 14 10 1 4.509,1979,198 (100%)0-1h InvigorationHave 75 buffs active on your Monkeys at once 1 guide Update Version 36.0 41 20 2 0.009,1662,536 (28%)1-2h Side QuestComplete a Quest World League TrainingAcquire 150,000 Beast Handler XP 1 guide Update Version 40.0 175 40 4 0.003,514336 (10%) Life ExperienceEarn 5,368,709 experience for any tower Heavy InvestmentInvest at least $401,626 extra when creating any Paragon 25 to LifeDefeat 5 unique Bosses at Tier 5 (Can be in Boss Event or Challenge Mode) Community ConnoisseurWin 100 different community submissions (Challenges, Odysseys, Maps)