Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Achievements Full list of all 57 Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night achievements. It takes around 30-35 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Windows.The base game contains 45 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 12 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 45 Offline Mode 45 Single Player 17 Main Storyline 4 Collectable 3 Missable 12 Cumulative + 2 Cumulative - 2 Level 1 Buggy + 2 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (12)Note: Flagging is not complete for this game What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply OverlordUnlock every other achievement. CartographerComplete the map. Item CollectorComplete the item list. DemonologistComplete the demon list. ShardmasterAbsorbed every single shard. KickstopperJump kick 10 times without touching the ground. MarathonTravel 42.195 kilometers. Gilded YouthAmass a fortune of at least 500,000 G. True HagglerEarn at least 100,000G in total item sales. Dare to DevourConsume 20 different recipes. Arvantville's AngelComplete 30 quests. BloodstainedTake in a large quantity of blood. Growing PainsReach level 50. Army of the NightThank you, everyone, for your endless kindness and support. 1 guideDethronedEradicate the king of demons. MoonwalkerBackstep, backstep, backstep. A lot. Able AlchemistTransmute items 10 times. ShardbinderAbsorb your first shard. Treasure HunterOpen 100 chests. Demon HunterSlay 1,000 demons. Make a WishBreak 1,000 candleholders. Down PatMaster a weapon technique. BookwormBorrow 10 books. Scrap HeaperBreak down items into materials 10 times. Might've KnownDiscovered a hidden breakable wall. A New YouChange your hairstyle. Déjà vuBounce a certain chair repeatedly. RecitalListen to the faerie's song. 1 guideStorm AbolisherEradicate the cause of the maelstrom. Samurai ShowdownDrive back the samurai. Show of HandsEradicate the wrathful work of art. Wing ClipperEradicate the iron marquess. Snake CharmerEradicate the twin-headed dragon. Loco MotiveEradicate the runaway train. Speed DemonEradicate the hypersonic hellraiser. DragonslayerEradicate the netherdrake. Just a FlickerFulfill your promise to a friend. TourniquetEradicate the bloodthirsty maiden. Hermetically SealedSubdue the alchemist. TranscendenceTriumph over yourself. Rodeo StarEradicate the skeletal demihorse. His BladeInherit the blade that demons fear. All Bets Are OffEradicate the duke of high rollers. MoonscraperEradicate the mistress of the deathly moon. UsurperObserve the rise of the castle's new master. 1 guide Add-on Classic II: Dominique's Curse 360 120 12 2.0010778 (73%) Manic Mansion Like Clockwork Fortress of Water Demons Gateway to Abyss Believe in the Dawn A Discerning EyeCatch a demon in a lie. Organ TradeEarn 1000 Coins via Remains Exchange. Perfect SelectionBuy every available Shard and Upgrade. Nailed ItStrike a foe immediately after a dash attack 25 times. Limbo CoinDefeat any Duke of Hell without taking damage. Hunter CoinDefeat any Hunter without taking damage. In The End