Blockstorm Achievements Here is the full list of all 131 Blockstorm achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Stroke of luckYou have killed 1 enemy Meet the weirdosYou have seen the credits' page 1 guideNewbies are growingYou have killed 50 enemies Pain in the blockYou have killed 100 enemies ScoundrelYou have killed 250 enemies NoobzillaYou have killed 500 enemies Your personal nightmareYou have killed 1000 enemies It is not a matter of pingYou have killed 2500 enemies BlockmasterYou have killed 5000 enemies God of blocksYou have killed 10000 enemies Ace of HeartsYou have killed 20 enemies in a single match Rampage!You have killed 30 enemies in a single match It's raining bullets! Blockelujah!You have killed 40 enemies in a single match HavocYou have killed 50 enemies in a single match HecatombYou have killed 60 enemies in a single match Beginners LuckYou have been the most valuable player once Bring it on!You have been the most valuable player 10 times VIPYou have been the most valuable player 50 times Master of BlockstormYou have been the most valuable player 100 times Holy shot!Killed 3 enemies in less than 10 seconds using guns Son of a BansheeKilled 4 enemies in less than 10 seconds using guns AmokKilled 5 enemies in less than 10 seconds using guns Boom!Killed 2 enemies at once using C4 Ka-Boom!Killed 3 enemies at once using C4 Ba-Da-Boom!Killed 4 enemies at once using C4 BombermanKilled 2 enemies at once using grenades Two's company, three's a crowdKilled 3 enemies at once using grenades 4-in-a-rowKilled 4 enemies at once using grenades Merry Xmas!Killed 2 enemies at once using RPG Rocket scienceKilled 3 enemies at once using RPG RPG HeroKilled 4 enemies at once using RPG Bang! Bang!You have killed 50 enemies using Rifle Ezekiel 25:17 ...You have killed 100 enemies using Rifle Full Metal VoxelYou have killed 250 enemies using Rifle Pixel HunterYou have killed 500 enemies using Rifle My first AK47You have killed 50 enemies using AK47 Keep out of reach of childrenYou have killed 100 enemies using AK47 One AK47 a day keeps the doctor awayYou have killed 250 enemies using AK47 Everybody was AK-fu fightingYou have killed 500 enemies using AK47 Curiosity killed the cat. I'm Curiosity, you're the cat.You have killed 50 enemies using MP5 The blockcalm before the blockstormYou have killed 100 enemies using MP5 Don't take it personalYou have killed 250 enemies using MP5 Practice makes perfectYou have killed 500 enemies using MP5 Gimme some sugar baby!You have killed 50 enemies using Shotgun First come, first servedYou have killed 100 enemies using Shotgun Dead men tell no liesYou have killed 250 enemies using Shotgun Never do things by halvesYou have killed 500 enemies using Shotgun Bigger is ALWAYS betterYou have killed 50 enemies using M240 Walls? That's never been a problem..You have killed 100 enemies using M240 Klaatu barada niktoYou have killed 250 enemies using M240 John RamblockYou have killed 500 enemies using M240 Sniper is too smooth..You have killed 25 enemies using Sniper Sniper is acceptableYou have killed 50 enemies using Sniper Sniper is underrated..You have killed 100 enemies using Sniper Sniper is overpowered!You have killed 250 enemies using Sniper C4 BeginnerYou have killed 10 enemies using C4 It's a Trap!You have killed 25 enemies using C4 Tro-lo-lo-lo-loYou have killed 50 enemies using C4 C4rmageddonYou have killed 100 enemies using C4 Watch your stepYou have killed 10 enemies using Claymore Clay-no-moreYou have killed 25 enemies using Claymore Worship the ground someone walks onYou have killed 50 enemies using Claymore You shall not pass!You have killed 100 enemies using Claymore QuarterblockYou have killed 25 enemies using Grenade The more you get, the more you wantYou have killed 50 enemies using Grenade Human grenade launcherYou have killed 100 enemies using Grenade Happy 4th of July!You have killed 250 enemies using Grenade In rocket we trustYou have killed 10 enemies using RPG The sky is the limitYou have killed 25 enemies using RPG We will rocket youYou have killed 50 enemies using RPG Panzer Master!You have killed 100 enemies using RPG NinjaYou have killed 50 enemies using Knife SamuraiYou have killed 100 enemies using Knife ShogunYou have killed 250 enemies using Knife May the force be with you!You have killed 500 enemies using Knife Assault BeginnerYou have won 10 Assault matches Assault RookieYou have won 25 Assault matches Assault ExpertYou have won 50 Assault matches Master of AssaultYou have won 100 Assault matches Capture The Flag BeginnerYou have won 10 Capture The Flag matches Capture The Flag RookieYou have won 25 Capture The Flag matches Capture The Flag ExpertYou have won 50 Capture The Flag matches Master of Capture The FlagYou have won 100 Capture The Flag matches Team Deathmatch BeginnerYou have won 25 Team Deathmatch matches Team Deathmatch RookieYou have won 50 Team Deathmatch matches Team Deathmatch ExpertYou have won 100 Team Deathmatch matches Master of Team DeathmatchYou have won 250 Team Deathmatch matches Rage Quit!Quit during the match just after dying No one lives foreverYou have committed suicide 100 times Fun With FlagsYou have captured 10 flags Run! Forrest! Run!You have captured 25 flag CTF PrideYou have captured 50 flags The Hand Is Quicker than the EyeYou have captured 100 flags Good boyYou have returned 10 flags Do It YourselfYou have returned 25 flags If I were not hereYou have returned 50 flags U can't touch thisYou have returned 100 flags Flag After FlagYou have captured 3 flags in succession Any Given FlagYou have captured 5 flags in succession It's My FlagYou have captured 7 flags in succession It came from the graveyardYour grenade killed someone when you were dead TrampolineYou killed someone when you were in air Pull!You played skeet shooting with an enemy Sky dancersAirborne killed an airborne enemy, like a flying doll with foam wings First BloodYou were the first to kill an enemy during a match ScapegoatYou were the first to be killed during a match Carpe DiemYou killed an enemy that was reloading Just One ChanceYou killed an enemy with the last ammo in magazine (except Sniper) Castle Battle BeginnerYou have won 10 Castle Battle matches Castle Battle RookieYou have won 25 Castle Battle matches Castle Battle ExpertYou have won 50 Castle Battle matches Master of Castle BattleYou have won 100 Castle Battle matches Chest LooterYou have looted 10 chests Lex LooterYou have looted 25 chests Martin LooterYou have looted 50 chests Martin Looter KingYou have looted 100 chests InfiltratorYou have destroyed 5 thrones Throne RaiderYou have destroyed 10 thrones King KillerYou have destroyed 25 thrones Master of the Iron ThroneYou have destroyed 50 thrones My Little PlunderYou have looted 3 chests in the same match NightcrawlerYou have looted 5 chests in the same match TaxmanYou have looted 7 chests in the same match Hunt BeginnerYou have won 10 Hunt matches Hunt RookieYou have won 25 Hunt matches Hunt ExpertYou have won 50 Hunt matches Master of HuntYou have won 100 Hunt matches ChemistYou have collected 100 Blocktanium atoms AlchemistYou have collected 250 Blocktanium atoms CookerYou have collected 500 Blocktanium atoms CartelYou have collected 1000 Blocktanium atoms