Beat Saber Achievements Here is the full list of all 26 Beat Saber achievements. It takes around 25-30 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 26 Offline Mode 26 Single Player 3 Main Storyline 12 Difficulty Specific 5 Cumulative + 2 Time Consuming Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply You Are ReadyFinish the tutorial. 1 guide100 MillionGet total score 100 million or more. Day & NightGet total played time 24 hours or more. TravellerGet 100 kilometers travelled hand distance or more. HopeGet rank S on at least 15 different levels on expert difficulty (solo free play only). No MistakesGet full combo on at least 15 different levels on expert difficulty (solo free play only). PrecisionGet rank S on at least 15 different levels on hard difficulty (solo free play only). Drum KitGet full combo on at least 15 different levels on hard difficulty (solo free play only). ExpertClear any level on expert difficulty without any modifiers. SupremeGet full combo on any level on expert difficulty without any modifiers. DrillGet total 10 000 good cuts or more. Good EnoughGet at least rank A on any level on normal difficulty without any modifiers. SpecialGet at least rank S on any level on hard difficulty without any modifiers. FlawlessGet rank SS on any level on expert difficulty without any modifiers. Pay AttentionClear any level on normal difficulty and get at least 50 combo without any modifiers. ConcentrateClear any level on hard difficulty and get at least 100 combo without any modifiers. FocusClear any level on expert difficulty and get at least 500 combo without any modifiers. PureClear any level without any modifiers. 1 guideFasterClear any level with faster song speed modifier. On the EdgeClear any level with insta fail modifier. MemoryClear any level with disappearing arrows modifier. ChargeClear any level with battery energy modifier. ProgressClear 30 missions in campaign. Not the EndClear final mission in campaign. PeaceClear all missions in campaign. Warm-upClear 100 levels or more.