Ancestors Legacy Achievements Here is the full list of all 62 Ancestors Legacy achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Off the CourseComplete the basic training mission 1 guideRebuilding ForcesComplete the squad training mission Unexpected AlliesComplete the economy training mission The Last ImpedimentComplete the base building training mission Lindisfarne RichesComplete Ulf Ironbeard's campaign Rurik's ReignComplete Rurik's campaign Edward and GodwinComplete Edward's campaign Harold's Guerilla WarriorsComplete Harold's campaign Rudolf of HabsburgComplete Rudolf's campaign MieszkoComplete Mieszko's campaign FirestarterStart a match in Multiplayer or against AI ConquerorWin a match in Multiplayer or against AI Fallen WarriorLose a match in Multiplayer or against AI IndisputableWin a Multiplayer match or AI Skirmish in less than 8 minutes. Uber MicroWin a match against an AI on Insane difficulty Squad ProficiencySpecialize ten squads Squad VeterancyUnlock a veterancy ten times Lost OnesReplenish a squad ten times Elite UnitReach maximum level with any squad Rock-SolidRaise a squad's armor to its maximum level Through DefensesDestroy a village with Gold defense War MachineDestroy any building with a siege machine War VeteranDefeat each type of unit in the game at least once Commander VeteranRecruit each type of unit in the game at least once It's a... trap.Make an enemy trigger a trap you built It's a TRAP!Detect and destroy five enemy traps Time to WorkSend peasants to work at a resource point 50 times UntouchableDefeat an entire enemy squad with ranged attacks only ProtectorRaise the defense level of your village PanicRaise the alarm in your village A Ship That Doesn't SinkHelp at least 8 drakkars survive the siege before Lindisfarne All for RurikCapture and hold all villages at Izborsk Edward Needs ThoseDeliver 5 or more catapults before night-time at Wells Dunstan's RevengeKill Harald in less than 5 minutes at Stamford Bridge Vienna's Finest ArmorPick up all armors scattered behind Vienna's walls Under Mieszko's BannerCapture the village of Kopytko NO LIFE IS WORTH SAVING...Kill 2000 peasants Who is there?Sneak into the enemy base undetected Deer hunterDon't let any of the enemy convoys pass through the outpost Church of miseryFind out what happened to the villagers Not on my watch!Destroy all enemy ships Whack a moleDon't let the enemy attack any of the catapults from your team Boleslav the BraveComplete Boleslav's campaign GoodfellaGet rid of all the bandits and save all the villagers in Pokarvis Elite MarksmanDefend Lubawa only using ranged units 1 guideTeutonic MeticulousnessCapture all the villages near Christburg Trap SweeperDisarm all the traps without being detected in Natangia forest 1 guideBlitzkriegFinish the Battle of Lidzbark in less than 25 minutes Konrad von ThierbergComplete Konrad's campaign The Knights of the CrossStart Konrad's campaign Perfect CommanderDon't lose any squads in the mission 'Battle of The Horns of Hattin' Hard To KillComplete all the quests with only one Hassassins squad in Akka WaterkeeperClaim all the wells in the mission 'Impatient Vengeance' No Pain, No GainClaim all the villages and expand your base in 30 minutes in 'The Final Straw' Holy WarKill all the Christian preachers in the mission, 'Siege of Jerusalem' Salah ad-Din YusufComplete Salah ad-Din Yusuf's campaign Righteousness of the FaithStart Salah ad-Din Yusuf's campaign AssassinatedKill an enemy hero in a Multiplayer or Skirmish match with a Hassassin squad Boy ScoutsKill 5 enemy squads in 1 minute only using Grenadiers TannedWin a match on Desert and Wilderness, Crusade of Anarchy or Scorching Quarrel Divine DutyWin a match as the Saracens in Anihilation Mode Destructive StingerDestroy the enemy's Town Hall using Scorpions