Alicia Quatermain 2: The Stone of Fate Achievements Here is the full list of all 29 Alicia Quatermain 2: The Stone of Fate achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply MiraclesUse your skill! MagicianUse your skill 20 times!умением 20 раз! Newbie FarmerGather 100 units of food! GardenerGather 500 units of food! Gold hunterGather 100 units of gold! Gold feverGather 500 units of gold! Good startComplete the 1st level! Not a bad beginningComplete 10 levels! ExcellentComplete one level with 3 stars! SuperbComplete 10 levels with 3 stars! StargazerComplete 30 levels with 3 stars! ArchitectConstruct 30 buildings! LeaderAssign 300 tasks to workers! ForgetteryComplete the level without using skills! MinesweeperDefuse 10 bombs successfully! Good pickupFind the first piece of the puzzle CompletistFind 40 pieces of the puzzle LightningActivate the "Speed up character pace" bonus three times on the same level EternityActivate the "Freezing time" bonus on the same level JugglerUse two bonuses simultaneously Humanitarian aidSummon all types of resources via the radio station ExplorerUse all the bonuses at least once while playing the game PlutocratCollect 50 units of gold on any level HoarderCollect 50 units of any resource on any level CollectorCollect 50 units of food on any level Artful DodgerComplete any level with three stars without using any bonuses AmateurFind 10 puzzle pieces AttentiveFind 20 puzzle pieces RadiomanUse the radio station 10 times