Albion Online Achievements Full list of all 154 Albion Online achievements.The base game contains 84 achievements, and there are 11 DLC packs containing 70 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply EmotionalUse every emote in the game. TouristVisit every player city. This looks interesting!Gather resources worth 1,000 fame. DeterminedGather resources worth 100,000 fame. Gathering is not a game! It's war!Gather resources worth 1,000,000 fame. Beginner CrafterCraft Items worth 10,000 fame. Hardworking CrafterCraft Items worth 100,000 fame. Industrious CrafterCraft Items worth 1,000,000 fame. Work, Work!Craft items worth 10,000,000 fame. That's a start.Gain 1,000 Fame from killing mobs. Killing is… fun?Gain 100,000 Fame from killing mobs. Die, Die, Die My Darling!Gain 10,000,000 Fame from killing mobs. More-ganna dieKill 1000 Morgana mobs. RecycleKill 1000 Keeper mobs. And stay down!Kill 1000 Undead mobs. No one expects the Inquisition!Kill 1000 Heretic mobs. Not creepy at all!Inspect 100 players. Model CitizenReach maximum reputation. Harmless PersonReach the first positive reputation level. Wanted Dead! Not Alive!Reach minimum reputation. Like a BossHave 5000 Health at any point in time. SalvagingSalvage an item. Jack of All TradesUnlock everything in Tier 4. It's not a phase, mom!Unlock all Tier 4 weapons and offhands. Studious CrafterStudy an item. My SanctuaryGet your very own island. Long Live the King!Kill the Morgana Demon Prince. Yo mama is so big…Kill the Keeper Earthmother. Defeating Death ItselfKill the Undead Harvester. Critter KillerKill 100 Tier 1 mobs of any kind. BaddyReach the first negative reputation level. More Fun TogetherCreate or join a guild. Highway to HellEnter a Hellgate. Alone No LongerAdd a friend to your friend list. Silver MillionaireHave a character that owns a million silver. It's dark in here…Enter a black zone. Expedition? What's an Expedition?Successfully finish an Expedition. Expedition VeteranSuccessfully finish every non-hardcore Expedition. That wasn't so hard…Successfully finish any Hardcore Expedition. Welcome to AlbionGet killed by another player. 1 guideFirst Blood!Kill or assist a kill in PvP. This. Is. Albion!Kill 300 players in the open world. M-m-m-monster Kill!Kill 6 players within one minute. Blood and SandWin your first Arena match. GladiatorWin 100 Arena matches. Wolf Among SheepRide a Direwolf. Chug! Chug! Chug!Use any 100 potions. Adept CrafterUnlock any Tier 4 Crafting Profession. Master CrafterUnlock any Tier 6 Crafting Profession. Grandmaster CrafterUnlock any Tier 8 Crafting Profession. My Little FarmFarm your first crop. Seasoned FarmerFarm crops worth 10,000 fame. My Epic FarmFarm crops worth 100,000 fame. Fishing for ComplimentsCatch your first fish. Fishing for More ComplimentsGather fish worth 10,000 fame. You're Gonna Need a Bigger BoatGather fish worth 1,000,000 fame. Thief: The Gathering ProjectGather any Tier 8 resource in an enemy territory. Adept GathererUnlock any Tier 4 Gathering Profession. Master GathererUnlock any Tier 6 Gathering Profession. Grandmaster GathererUnlock any Tier 8 Gathering Profession. My Home is my ShackBuild a house on your island. My Home is my CastleUpgrade a house on your island to Tier 8. Shared WorkloadEmploy any kind of Laborer. Your very own indentured servant!Have a Tier 8 Laborer. Happy WorkforceSend a Laborer with at least 100% yield on a mission. My sanctuary. Complete.Upgrade your island to the maximum of 6/6. Horsin' AroundRaise a horse. All Your Base are Belong to UsParticipate on a successful attack on a territory. Give me your clothes, your boots and your mount...Loot any armor, foot gear and a mount from a killed player at the same time. Tonight We Dine in Hell!Defeat a Hellgate Boss. SmugglerSell any item on the Black Market in Caerleon. Sold!Sell any item through the Marketplace. EntrepreneurEarn a total of 100,000 Silver through the Marketplace. Grand MerchantEarn a total of 1,000,000 Silver through the Marketplace. TycoonEarn a total of 10,000,000 Silver through the Marketplace. This Belongs in a MuseumUnlock 10 chests in Elite Randomized Dungeons. Loot GoblinsUnlock 100 chests in Elite Randomized Dungeons. In a League of Their OwnKill the following bosses in Elite Randomized Dungeons: Avalonian Knight Captain, Avalonian Construct, Avalonian Crystal Basilisk, Avalonian High Priestess, Avalonian Archmage Bound by His OathKill the Lord of Yore in an Elite Randomized Dungeon. Crystal NoviceWin a Crystal League Match. Crystal AdeptGain a Crystal League Token of Rank 4. Crystal GrandmasterGain a Crystal League Token of Rank 8. Pull the PlugDefeat the Sentry Mage in an enemy territory. Empowered!Receive the buff from the final shrine in an Elite Randomized Dungeon. Update Rise of Avalon 741 100 10 0.008347 (1%) Invader BanishedDefeat an invading player in a Corrupted Dungeon. Target DestroyedDefeat another player after invading their Corrupted Dungeon. On and On, South of AvalonUnlock the Slayer difficulty in Corrupted Dungeons. Corrupted No MoreDefeat the final boss in a Corrupted Dungeon. Demon HunterDefeat 100 enemies in Corrupted Dungeons. ExorcistDefeat 1,000 enemies in Corrupted Dungeons. Hit the RoadEnter a Road of Avalon. Far Down the Rabbit HoleEnter a Deep Road of Avalon. Big Game Hunter in Another WorldDefeat a Guardian in a Road of Avalon. Get Outta My Way!Defeat 250 Avalonians in the Roads of Avalon. Update Call to Arms 410 70 7 0.004190 (0%) Been Through HellGain 100,000 Infamy in any Hellgate type. Hell is My HomeGain 250,000 Infamy in any Hellgate type. I like it...another!Chain 2 lethal Hellgates without returning to the surface. Neither Demon nor ManChain 5 lethal Hellgates without returning to the surface. Rip and TearChain 10 lethal Hellgates without returning to the surface. BlitzkriegAssist in completely capturing another city's zone in Faction Warfare. Spring CleaningHelp repel a Bandit Assault. Update Lands Awakened 1,187 120 12 0.006742 (0%) Winner Takes AllOpen an open-world Treasure Chest. Seasoned Treasure HunterOpen 100 open-world Treasure Chests. Dungeon InsiderParticipate in a Static Dungeon Event. Keep On Rollin'Reroll an item at a Repair Station. Finishing TouchCreate a Masterpiece item by rerolling it at a Repair Station. Better than the RestGain your first Elite Level. Best of the Best of the BestGain all Elite Levels in any combat specialization. Omae ha mou shindeiru!Kill 3 enemies at once with the after-effect of the Hundred Striking Fists. Home Sweet HomeSet a Hideout as your Home. Core WorkoutSuccessfully transport a Power Core to a Hideout. Capture the Crystal!Successfully transport an Energy Crystal to a Territory. Holy DiverGain 10,000,000 Fame in Static Dungeons. Update Merlyn 536 90 9 0.002,30416 (1%) WE. NEED. YOU.Join any of the five City Factions. Get off my lawn!Capture an Outpost. Frontier JusticeCapture 10 Outposts. Napoleon ComplexCapture 100 Outposts. New Sheriff in TownDefeat all five City Faction Warmasters. PartisanAchieve maximum standing with any faction. Safe PassageFinish a Trade Mission for any city. Turn it up to 11!Overcharge one or more equipped items. One Year of ServiceBe part of Albion for one year. Update Oberon 1,318 80 8 0.005,3470 (0%) Cast AwayComplete the tutorial. Whatever Floats Your BoatFix Captain Tia's ship. Into the UnknownEnter a Randomized Dungeon. Tomb RaiderEnter 1,000 Randomized Dungeons. Crystal Realm ChroniclesParticipate in a Crystal Realm Battle. Party Time!Use the Party Finder to form or join a party. Seen it AllKill the legendary Morgana Demon General, Keeper Earth Aspirant, Undead Reaper, and Heretic Shadowmask. Big Game HunterKill a Guardian Aspect from every biome. Update Percival 338 70 7 0.002,67010 (0%) Lost my chest-ityUnlock your first chest in any kind of randomized dungeon. Just a trim, please.Unlock any customization option. Look at my horse, my horse is amazing!Apply any Mount Skin. My precious!Unlock 10 chests in solo randomized dungeons. Treasure HunterUnlock 100 chests in solo randomized dungeons. Mind if I roll need?Unlock 10 chests with your party in group randomized dungeons. Chest RatUnlock 100 chests with your party in group randomized dungeons. Update Into the Fray 818 60 6 0.001283 (2%) Quality AND QuantityReroll a full stack of 999 items at a Repair Station. Cabbage Merchant 1 guideSilver GladiatorReach Silver I rank in the Crystal Arena. Rank Up!Increase your rank in the Crystal Arena. King of the HillHelp loot a Castle Outpost Chest. King of my CastleHelp loot a Castle Chest. Update Beyond the Veil 345 40 4 0.0062813 (2%) Beyond the VeilFollow a Will o' Wisp into the Mists. 1 guideCity in the MistsFind the lost city of Broceliande. 1 guideFriend of WispsBecome Friendly with Broceliande. 1 guideMythical Beasts... 1 guide Update Knightfall 212 10 1 0.001212 (100%) "Oops" Update Wild Blood 503 40 4 0.001275 (4%) MythologistKill any Titan in a Randomized Dungeon. HistorianKill any Colossus in a Randomized Dungeon. Hunter ExamComplete your first hunt. Monster HunterTrack down and kill one of each creature type. Update Foundations 978 20 2 0.0091 (11%) Fully FortifiedEnter your guild's territory with full T8 fortification buildings and guards Let yourself inBe part of a party that opens an enemy territroy gate from the inside