Airline Manager 4 Achievements Here is the full list of all 81 Airline Manager 4 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Airline OwnerCreate an airline Aircraft expertPurchase an aircraft Map operatorChange map type AdvertiserCreate a marketing campaign EnlightenedCheck the FAQ 1 guideWorld conquerCreate a route longer than 15,000 km TraderPerform IPO 1 guideCapital operatorCreate a capital route AirbusLocate a certain factory Top route #2Create the worlds next busiest air route Top route #1Create the worlds busiest air route 1 guideTop route #3Create the worlds third busiest air route Longest #1Create one of the worlds longest air routes Longest #2Create one of the worlds longest air routes Across the statesCrossing the states from east to west or west to east California tourDiscover the californian coast route GreedyLets save some fuel Palm domesticSomewhere in Hawaii Eiffel mahalFly from one monument to another Crossing FranceFrom one capital to another straight across france DC-3Operate the DC-3 1 guideFerryOperate a ferry flight EconomyTransport 10,000 economy class passengers BusinessTransport 10,000 business class passengers FirstTransport 10,000 first class passengers Economy xTransport 100,000 economy class passengers Business xTransport 100,000 business class passengers First xTransport 100,000 first class passengers SmallOperate 100 flights MediumOperate 1,000 flights LargeOperate 10,000 flights HugeOperate 100,000 flights A380Purchase the A380-800 B747Purchase the B747-8 Rain to sunFrom london to an old arena El classicoBarcelona - Madrid Mermaid appleCPH-JFK Heading eastUAE to Japan Heading northSingapore to Thailand Russian hinduCapital of russia to capital of India Charles LindberghCharles lindberghs first successful flight across the atlantic First A380 flightAustralia singapore 1 guideHigh to lowWorlds highest airport to worlds lowest airport CateringEnable catering on a flight Somewhere in RussiaDrop of life Octoberfest to carnivalAcross the pond McJazzMcdonalds Jazz TitanicThe last resting place Stopping upCreate a stopover flight Coutinho CabralFirst aerial crossing of the south atlantic CargoBegin cargo operations Cargo smallTransport 1,000,000 Lbs large load Cargo mediumTransport 5,000,000 Lbs large load Cargo bigTransport 10,000,000 Lbs large load Cargo smallTransport 1,000,000 Lbs heavy load Cargo mediumTransport 5,000,000 Lbs heavy load Cargo bigTransport 10,000,000 Lbs heavy load Flight recallRecall a flight 1 guideYoungest countryOperate to the worlds youngest country AuditAirworthiness? No 4April 26, 1986 MS World DiscovererApril 30, 2000 US AirmailMay 14, 1918 20,000 kmCreate a route longer than 20,000 km AllianceJoin an alliance Fall to fallFrom one great waterfall to another Big fiveTwo big national parks African mafiaMount mafia BermudaSome say its a dangerous place to fly Alliance memberMember of an alliance valued $5.00 or more Alliance memberMember of an alliance valued $10.00 or more Big 1-2-3One continent Big to biggestPopulation Trump BidenFrom where Scandinavian tourN to S Arnold StallonePath to hollywood Just a clickFinger or mouse VIP JetPurchase the A320-VIP 1 guideOrder refundRefund an aircraft order LuxuryLounge Manager ExclusiveExclusive lounge