Agents of Mayhem Achievements Here is the full list of all 49 Agents of Mayhem achievements. It takes around 40-50 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 48 Offline Mode 48 Single Player 10 Main Storyline 1 Difficulty Specific 6 Collectable 6 Cumulative + 4 Level 2 Shop 1 Discontinued Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Smells Like HomeWarp into the ARK for the first time. That Went PoorlyComplete "Operation: Spinoff." Space Laser: OFFLINEComplete "Operation: Heaven Sent." You Got Gaunt!Complete "Operation: Star Power." Wedding CrasherComplete "Operation: Machine Man." Broken Hearts ClubComplete "Operation: Red Queen." Through the Looking GlassComplete "Operation: Madhouse." Fall of BabylonComplete "Operation: Damocles." Fire Up the Wayback MachineUse mission replay to replay and complete 3 missions. Contested LocationTake over each type of emplacement location. Alert Level WipeComplete LEGION Alert Level by defeating the LEGION Captain. Stop the DropDestroy a Drop Pod Launcher Emplacement. Hate this ThingDestroy a Hate Machine Emplacement. Chill OutDestroy a Ice Barrage Emplacement. Dominator DominatedDestroy a Gravity Dominator. Not this Fracking ThingDestroy a Dark Matter Fracking Station. Not Technically a Golem...Destroy a Golem in the open world. Warp Points AcquiredUnlock 5 Warp Points through open world gameplay. District ControlTake over an Outpost from LEGION. What's the Password?Enter a secret room inside a LEGION lair. Secrets Within SecretsEnter a secret room, inside a secret room, inside a LEGION lair. Three's CompanyFully deck out Carnage a Trois in their signature outfits. Next Up: Action Figures!Fully deck out Franchise Force in their signature outfits. BombshellsFully deck out the Bombshells in their signature outfits. #SquadGoalsFully deck out Firing Squad in their signature outfits. Designated DriverCall in an agent vehicle for the first time. Pimp Your RideBuild your first vehicle through blueprints. LEGION RoadkillRun over Legion 10 times. A Full CircleComplete a 360 in the air while in a vehicle. Spreading MAYHEMDeploy your first agent to any LEGION region. Contract ThrillerComplete 15 Connected Contracts. Contract KillerComplete 30 MAYHEM & Agent Contracts. X Marks the SpotFind and open a large loot chest. Accessories Sold SeparatelyUse Gremlin Tech for the first time. Go-Go-GadgetEquip your first gadget onto any agent. CrystallizedEquip an Upgrade Core to any agent. Bling BlingSwap out an agent's weapon with a new look. Long JumpJump agent vehicle 50 meters in one jump. Hack the PlanetUnlock and Complete all standard VR room training programs. More Like FUNgeon, Amirite?Complete a LEGION lair for the first time in Seoul. Jump AroundHit 10 jumps in the city. Achievement #1337Get 15 "All Perfect" hacks. Shard SharkCollect all collectible Shards in game. All the Bells and WhistlesFully upgrade all areas of the ARK. Hello, LadiesCollect all agent vehicles. Hardcore GamerComplete all Operations on Difficulty Level 7+. Globally OffensiveComplete the Moscow Global Offensive. Super AgentReach level 40 on any agent Get PersonalComplete all agent personal missions and get all agents to level 20.