60 Parsecs Achievements Full list of all 44 60 Parsecs achievements.The base game contains 40 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 4 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 40 Offline Mode 40 Single Player 1 Collectable 6 Cumulative + 4 Level Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (4)Note: Flagging is not complete for this game What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Don't Panic!Make it to the shuttle before nuclear impact. All Seats TakenRescue three crewmates from the station during one playthrough. Hide adsSpace ColonizationCrash land on a planet. 1 guideHello WorldFix the communicator console after landing. 1 guideTinkererUpgrade an item. Space EngineerUpgrade a system. 1 guideFriendzoneMake a friend. 1 guideMutiny in makingMake an enemy. 1 guideAcross The StarsFind a soulmate. 1 guideIntergalactic BreakupDump your soulmate for someone else. Stay CoolDie in space. 1 guideDust to DustPerish on a planet. 1 guideCraftyCraft 10 items. 1 guideEco-ShuttleRecycle 10 items. 1 guideFix-It FelixRepair 10 items. 1 guideSpace ExplorerGo on 10 successful expeditions. 1 guideThe ImprovinatorUpgrade all items (across multiple playthroughs). 1 guideExtreme MakeoverUpgrade all shuttle systems (across multiple playthroughs). 1 guideMeet the PetersonsBefriend the unlikely neighbors. 1 guideAxel jump in space!Told you it was an achievement. No TicketOut the airlock with you. 1 guideKIAAnd you thought you were safe. Et tu, Astrocitizen?Discover a traitor. AAARGH!Become a space monster's dinner. 1 guideThat's No Moon!Visit all locations on Robotofu. 1 guideFeels like homeVisit all locations on Phobonos. 1 guideBovine DomainVisit all locations on Mootopia. 1 guideGold MedalistReach an ending as Deedee. 1 guideFor Science!Reach an ending as Emmet. 1 guideSecond LifeReach an ending as Baby. 1 guideNon-FictionReach an ending as Tom. 1 guideFlawless MaegangementReach an ending as Maegan. 1 guideBingpot!Reach personal goals for every captain. Space SelfieShare a memory from the shuttle with the world. 1 guideNo Man Left BehindReach any ending with a full crew. 1 guide2018: A Soup OdysseyCollect 111 cans of soup from the station. 1 guideHands FullCollect each item from the station at least once. 1 guideSmall StepComplete 6 Missions successfully. Giant LeapFulfill all objectives in 6 different Missions. First of AprilReach an ending as April. 1 guide Update Space Adventures 270 40 4 3.005129 (57%) Liberté, Égalité, TomateReach all endings featuring Captain Félicette. Man's best comradeReach all endings featuring Commissar Laika. The Last SupperEnjoy the last meal before the job. 1 guideUnidentified Flying OffspringReach all endings featuring the UFO.