JumpJet Rex

JumpJet Rex

Game action
JumpJet Rex

JumpJet Rex Achievements

Here is the full list of all 51 JumpJet Rex achievements.

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  • Planted

    Defeat the third boss

  • NegaRekt

    Defeat the fourth boss

  • RexBox

    Collect all the hidden items

  • Fat Stacks

    With a 4x combo collect a ruby

  • Ragequit Rex

    Complete the RageQuit Rex mode

  • Turbosaur

    Complete the SpeedRun mode and post a time to the leaderboard

  • Dinonaut Master

    Beat Adventure mode on normal, getting every star and hidden package, under 3 hours

  • Rage Master

    Beat Ragequit Rex without losing any lives.

  • Speed Master

    Beat Speedrun Mode in under 90 minutes.

  • Snow Plow

    Destroy 25 snowballs in Snowblind without dying

  • Frontin'

    Use death to your advantage in Cold Front

  • Stay Put

    Stun the patroller in p1ng 3 times in one run

  • Scrollcut

    Use the shortcut for a photo finish in Scrollway

  • Skillshot

    Use your projectile to trigger 75% of the switches in Power Core

  • Spitfire

    Destroy 100 fireseeds in Jungle Jump

  • Dribble

    Get a 5x bounce combo on the first boss

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