Fist Puncher

Fist Puncher

Game action
Fist Puncher


20 Dec 13
5h 46m

Fist Puncher Achievements

Here is the full list of all 99 Fist Puncher achievements.

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  • Hijackers Beware

    Defeat all of the hijacked delivery truck levels. And capitalism is restored!

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  • Dracogen Lab

    Defeat the Dracogen Lab level. No stopping for science experiments.

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  • Stripper Town

    Defeat the Stripper Town level. We won't ask any questions.

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  • Helicopters

    Defeat the Helicopters level. Pat youself on the back. You're fighting entire armies now.

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  • Subway Pass

    Defeat all 5 subway levels. How green of you to take mass transit.

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  • Jump Kicker

    Real men use their fists, but we give credit where credit is due. Defeat 50 enemies using the jump kick attack.

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  • High Fructose

    Defeat 1 enemy by throwing a soda machine at him. And remember to take a break from Fist Puncher and drink a refreshing Mint Spunk Cola.

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  • Video Grappler

    Defeat 100 enemy luchadores, and prove to the world that you're no jobroni.

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