Rose in Full Bloom achievement in Cinderella Phenomenon - Otome/Visual Novel

Rose in Full Bloom

Obtained Karma's Good Ending

Rose in Full Bloom0

How to unlock the Rose in Full Bloom achievement

  • Ellinas WarriorEllinas Warrior212,145
    25 Apr 2017 25 Apr 2017 26 Apr 2017
    1 0 0
    Make the following choices:
    - Go left / Go right (The choice doesn’t matter)
    - Why was I cursed? / How do I break the curse? / What happens if I don’t break the curse? / Why are you two working together? / I have no questions. (Choose “I have no questions.” if available, otherwise choose them all, the order doesn’t matter)
    - So this is how you truly feel? / … (The choice doesn’t matter)
    - Throw the tray at him / Stay silent. (The choice doesn’t matter)
    - Karma / Rumpel / Rod (The choice doesn’t matter)
    - Karma / Rumpel / Rod (The choice doesn’t matter)
    Hint: Make a save here so you can load it when you go for other routes as the previous choices don’t matter.
    Select Karma (1st one, with green eyes)
    - It’s terrible.
    - Stand up for Rumpel.
    - Remain inside.
    - I can see why you wouldn’t tell her.
    - The fancy cupcake with the lizard.
    - Tease Karma.
    - Fight back.
    - The lips.
    - Try to convince them.
    - Step away from him.
    - You have to tell Jurien.
    - Bite his hand.
    - Scold him.
    - Let’s run the errands first.
    - I came to speak with you.
    - Turn and point your sword at him.
    - I want a hug.
    - Thank you.
    - I want to talk to you.
    - I promise.
    - I could never be afraid of you.
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