Master of Archery achievement in Record of Lodoss War-Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth-

Master of Archery

(Achieve S Rank at the Bow Training Area)

Master of Archery0

How to unlock the Master of Archery achievement

  • RarismaRarisma45,850
    01 May 2023 01 May 2023 01 May 2023
    1 0 0
    Simple, go to the training area and get an S Rank.

    I did the following and got it within about 10 tries.

    Stand on the second podium and aim down towards the lower metal part of the wall and start shooting arrows, aim to get a A on all targets and make sure not to miss any as you get 1000 point bonus for hitting them all.

    Don't spam the bow either as there is an accuracy bonus.
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