That's a lot of paint achievement in SuchArt: Creative Space

That's a lot of paint

Paint 1km of strokes with your brushes

That's a lot of paint0
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How to unlock the That's a lot of paint achievement

  • HikayeHikaye7,381
    13 Nov 2023 13 Nov 2023
    0 0 0
    on a previous guide i read that you could just get it by doing all commissions, that was not the case for me.
    However i got a bug in which i had to uninstall and reinstall for the achievement to pop.
    10 to 20 full size canvases with a big brush should be more than enough, if you feel it should have popped sooner uninstall, you may be having the same problem as I had, then reinstall, pop a new canvas and give a few strokes of paint. Enjoy!
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