Usurper achievement in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night


Observe the rise of the castle's new master.

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How to unlock the Usurper achievement

  • WooshaQWooshaQ83,159
    27 Mar 2020 01 Apr 2020 01 Apr 2020
    1 0 1
    This is the only missable achievement in the game, you can get it after the second fight with Zangetsu in the Oriental Sorcery Lab, after defeating him you will get his katana Zangetsuto. Now it is time to fight Gebel in the Hall of Termination. The trick is to NOT cut the moon when it turns red but kill Gebel instead. This will trigger the bad ending. Also, remember that there is a game+ mode so if you miss this one like me you can return to the fight within 2 hours or so.
    Showing only comment.
    Silvthanks good sire, I literally missed this one...
    Posted by Silv on 16 May 20 at 06:29
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