Just Cause 3

Welcome to the walkthrough for Just Cause 3, from the series recognized for causing chaos and wreaking havoc. If you have experience with this series, you will soon find that yet again, Sheldon's and Rico's personalities and voices have once again changed, with Rico now donning an Italian accent with his return home to the Mediterranean island country of Medici. Tom Sheldon has also changed since Panau; he's more shady than usual this time around.

There are many achievements that come with ease in Just Cause 3, but a few may require some planning. Take note that fully completing this game does require an in-game stat of 100%, unlike it's predecessor Just Cause 2, so 100% will take quite some time. Throughout the walkthrough will be links to video playlists on all story missions for your convenience, as well as playlists for every category of Gear Challenge.

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Additionally, in the Sky Fortress DLC you can get an improved wingsuit by completing the first mission, Suit Up. The Bavarium wingsuit is incredibly useful, but I will avoid getting it throughout creating the video guides for the story and Gear Challenges, because it would not be fair to those who don't plan on buying the DLC anytime soon. For those interested in buying the DLC, I recommend buying them either in order or altogether, because the story from Sky Fortress continues in Mech Land Assault, and finishes in Bavarium Sea Heist. Buying only one of these, or doing them out of order, might not give you the experience the developers were trying to create.

The first thing you should keep in mind is that this game will make your screen red even if you get hit once. When you're in critical condition the enemies will be lit up whilst everything else is gray. The game's PC version can also be prone to crashing for some users. Additionally, the loading times can be excessive, and this will become much more noticeable when you're restarting Gear Challenges. Gear Challenges can be frustrating because the requirements for all five gears can seem quite daunting. Expect to be replaying many of those.

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Other than that, the achievements are straightforward and many focus on getting an in-game 100%. This shouldn't be too hard with some practice in certain areas.

The story is divided into three acts, each of which are close to the same length. Each mission will be covered in text and through video if you need to watch how to do something. Before finishing an act, I suggest liberating as much as you can of the region that act deals with, as well as doing as many Gear Challenges as possible to improve yourself.

Just Cause 3 | Act 1

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Story Mission 1-1: Welcome Home

After gearing up for landing, Rico Rodriguez jumps to the top of the plane he flew to Medici in with a handy RPG. There will be three SAM (Surface-To-Air Missile) sites to destroy with the rockets to ensure that the plane you're on doesn't explode. After some time, the plane will swerve left, pushing you off the top and you will find yourself on the way to the ground. Pull out your parachute when prompted and direct yourself towards the cave. When you land, you will be able to use your iconic grappler to get to your old friend Mario, who is up ahead above some rocks. Try to get there fast, because three government soldiers are shooting at him. Take them down and Mario will be grateful and glad to see you again.

On the way out of the area by car, some rebels will radio Mario and tell him that they're under attack. Drive there by following the yellow arrows on the road until you get to a firefight and a crashed tank. You're going to want to hop in the tank as soon as you can and fire away at the enemies until your notoriety goes away. Dimah, the tech genius of the rebellion, takes her turn to radio in that she is being attacked, and soon after a rebel gives you a helicopter to use to get to her.

When there, it will be a similar case to the first group of rebels, but instead of a tank, there will be a minigun atop a tower in the area. Grapple up the tower and use the minigun to wipe out Di Ravello's soldiers.

Story Mission 1-2: Time for an Upgrade

Dimah upgrades your grappler to have the capability of tethering two objects together, which is incredibly useful. She will tell you to meet her at Guardia Alpha, a small military base nearby. Use a mixture of grappling and parachuting to get there, where you will actually be allowed to use your new upgrade. Taking out the base with only the tether is easy; just grapple an explosive barrel to the sphere tank, and once that is done, pull the barrel to the tank to blow it up. The four fuel tanks can be destroyed by tethering them together in pairs, where they will unhinge and explode on each other.

After this, meet Dimah at the cliffside nearby, where she will upgrade you again, this time giving you a wingsuit. Fly down to the middle of the bridge and set some bavarium-based explosives she's given you, GE-64, on the points marked on the bridge (you can never run out of GE-64). Then, get up to the vantage point and blow the GE-64 up when the convoy is on the bridge, tossing them into the water below.

Your final task is to hack two SAM sites nearby in order to use them against the four incoming helicopters. At these two sites, there will be but one guard each, so kill the guard before hacking the site. If at any point you are hit with a bullet while hacking anything, you will be interrupted and have to start over, so keep that in mind. Once the SAM sites take out the choppers, Mario will radio you in using a CommLink somehow, telling you to meet him at his grandma's house for dinner.

Story Mission 1-3: Mario's Rebel Drops

Note: Before you can start this mission, you must first liberate the town of Manaea, nearby Guardia Alpha.

Once you liberate Manaea, Mario will teach you about his garage functionality and rebel drops. He will direct you to steal a scooter from some girl who said his hair was "crispy", and bring it back to the garage in Manaea. All you have to do is just drive it over; no soldiers (or the owner of the scooter) will come after you. After dropping it off at the garage, you will unlock it as a rebel drop vehicle, meaning you can request it anywhere.

Then, Mario will show you how to use a rebel drop with beacons, so when in the rebel drop menu, choose a two handed weapon, and some dual pistol-like weapon and finally the Eubus Eagle helicopter. When the drop falls you will have a helicopter and the weapons and this quick mission ends.

Misc Achievement: ...Without Bullets!

The next mission requires you to liberate the military base of Vis Electra, which provides a great deal of energy to Di Ravello. However, if you do this right, you can score one of the miscellaneous achievements on the list, called ...Without Bullets! For this, you have to liberate the base without using anything except your tethers and melee. You can die as many times as you want, and Vis Electra is the easiest (and fortunately, the first) place you can attempt to get this done. Here's the breakdown of what objects there are in the base for you to destroy.

  • 2 Turbine Blocks: There are going to be two buttons in a catwalk-structure that, when both are pushed, open four doors to one of the blocks of turbines. You will have about 80 seconds to destroy all four turbines in said block before the doors close again, so when the doors open, grapple towards them and use melee about four times per turbine to destroy them. Once you've destroyed that group of turbines, do the same for the other turbine block, and you'll have taken care of the most difficult section of Vis Electra.
  • 1 Core Electrical Unit: This, along with the two Circuit Breakers, should be simple enough to destroy. The CEU has six circular fan-like structures on the front face of it, so use your tether to grapple two of the three plates protecting them together to unveil the inner parts of the unit. Tether two of these together, and you should soon see the CEU blow up, along with the Circuit Breakers.
  • 2 Circuit Breakers: See above; when the Core Electrical Unit is destroyed, the Circuit Breakers should soon follow suit. If, for some reason, they do not destroy themselves after the CEU is taken care of, a simple tether between the two should displace them both.
  • 2 Satellite Dishes: These should be fairly easy to spot, and both are relatively at the same height of each other. Use your tether to grapple them to a solid structure, like a building or the ground.
  • 5 Transformers: These rectangular objects are most easily destroyed by tethering the little rectangular box on the back of them off of the main body of each Transformer. This makes them immediately explode, and will cause you to fly backwards, so stand away from them when doing so.
  • 14 Fuel Tanks: These are the most identifiable objects in the game, and are best taken care of with a tether to either the ground or another fuel tank. An alternate way of taking care of these is to find the small control panel-looking box next to each fuel tank. These, when tethered with force for long enough, should break, causing the fuel tank to eventually explode. (For future assistance, remember that fuel tanks can be blown up if you shoot these small boxes using much less ammo than you would if you shot the main canister; you won't be shooting them here, though, of course.)

After all these objects are destroyed, Vis Electra should now belong to the rebel cause, and you can move on to the next Story Mission.

Story Mission 1-4: A Terrible Reaction

Note: Before you can start this mission, you must first liberate the province of Baia, located in the region of Insula Fonte.

For a start, since you had to liberate Baia, you get the achievement for liberating a province. But when you start the mission, you are faced with combatting against Di Ravello's reaction to your destruction of Vis Electra. There are three tanks firing away right off the bat, so destroy those and Mario will radio in, saying that he needs assistance. Rush over there and take out the waves of guards until the rebels ask for you to open the door.

Open the door by tethering the door to the metal bar above it, and the car that enters will pick Mario up to drive him to a safe haven nearby. Soon, an enemy helicopter will come in, so hijack it and shoot any enemy vehicles that follow Mario's car. After a while, a second helicopter will come after you, so hijack that one since yours will be a bit beaten up at this point. Then Mario will get to a bridge. When he passes the truck filled with red barrels, shoot the barrels to destroy the bridge. If only part of the bridge is destroyed, more vehicles will come after Mario, so watch out. A third helicopter will arrive on scene, so hijack that one and continue on until Mario reaches the safe haven.

Note: After completing A Terrible Reaction, the first mission in Sky Fortress opens up for you if you have the DLC. Completing the first mission will grant you an upgraded wingsuit.

Story Mission 1-5: Friends Like These...

For this mission all you really have to do is show up for the most part. Go through two cutscenes with Sheldon and Mario and then there will be two guys with their boat stranded in the water. Tether it back to sea and then fast travel to Manaea. Then the mission ends, granting you fast travel to any discovered location. Before you start the next mission, I suggest liberating Vigilator Nord to make things a little bit easier.

Story Mission 1-6: Conflicting Interests

You meet Looch in this mission and he lets you use your boat to travel to Vigilator Nord. Get there however you please and hop up to the upper level of the part of Vigilator Nord that isn't out in the sea. The shipping container up here will hold Dimah's missing scanner, so take it and travel to the waypoint at Cima Leon: Silo, pointing out where to place the scanner. When you arrive, grapple to it and the game will do the rest. With the broken scanner, lose your heat and meet Sheldon at the Café Francesco nearby. Rico will put it on the table that Sheldon's using and walk off.

Story Mission 1-7: Turncoat

Mario decides it is a good idea to hide in plain sight as a street performer before asking you for a military vehicle. There should be a sturdy one with a turret nearby, even if you liberated the settlement. Take it to Mario and pick up him up and drive to the location to help out the guy who decided to defect from Di Ravello. He will take a helicopter while Mario drives the turret car you brought to him, so jump into the turret and shoot all the enemies.

Along the way, Mario and Leno will stop because there is a SAM site threatening the helicopter. Take it out and continue killing enemies until you reach the second SAM site, and repeat. Soon, you will reach the safehouse, where Leno will get mad that he won't be getting the luxurious lifestyle he was promised.

Story Mission 1-8: The Secret of Vis Electra

Note: Before you can start this mission, you must first liberate two other provinces in Insula Fonte, coming to a total of at least three including Baia.

Dimah will send you on your way to disable the FOW over Cima Leon. The FOW is a nearly-constant airstrike, preventing you from making any good progress towards liberating Cima Leon (it is possible to liberate Cima Leon beforehand, but the airstrikes will still continue until you finish this mission). Follow the glowing pipes until you get to two enemy boats in the water. Take out the enemies on both and wait for Dimah to hack the door for you to enter.

Once inside, head for the three structures that power the FOW and destroy them. There will be a way out to the right of the cave that the structures are in, so use that instead of swimming back the way you came from for a swift exit. The mission ends as soon as you leave the cave. After disabling Insula Fonte's FOW, you will get an achievement. The name is a nod to one of Rico's lines from Just Cause 2, which he sometimes said after destroying a pipeline.

Story Mission 1-9: Missile Cowboy

Note: Before you can start this mission, you must first liberate the province of Aspera, which contains only one location, Cima Leon: CentCom.

Di Ravello is striking Insula Fonte with a huge amount of forces, and in order to prevent a missile launch from Di Ravello's forces, you've got to destroy a transmitter. To make this easier, you could liberate Cima Leon: Transmitter beforehand.

The war will break out over Insula Fonte, and you are tasked with helping out wherever you can. After three battles, the bar will be full in favor of the rebels, and you will have truly liberated the region.

The missile will have begun it's launching sequence, so grapple on it for a neat end-of-act cutscene.

If you have liberated most of Insula Fonte at this point, you should get the Baker's Dozen achievement.

After depriving Di Ravello of Insula Fonte, the rebellion now looks west to Insula Dracon.

Just Cause 3 | Act 2

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Story Mission 2-1: Of Cows and Wine

Mario will have a radio next to a cow, and try to convince Rico to kiss it. For whatever reason, he will, and then he’ll be tasked to drive a truck with Di Ravello’s best wine to the rebels for a celebration of the liberation of Insula Fonte.

You can drive as slowly as you want or as fast as you want, but if you lose around four barrels or so of wine, you’ll get a mission failure. Soon, a truck on fire will just show up on the side road and drive next to you, so try not to be caught in the upcoming explosion. Once you reach the rebels, the mission ends.

Story Mission 2-2: Connect the Dots

Tom Sheldon will meet you at the lighthouse in Feno and be less than forthcoming with information about Dimah and Mario’s current whereabouts, which is extremely unlike him if you’ve played the other two Just Cause games. There will be gunboats coming after Mario, so pilot the nearby helicopter and take them out. Then, head for Mario.

There will be several gunboats already positioned around him, and more are soon to come, so take them out when you can. A helicopter will also arrive on scene, so be prepared. When all enemies are taken care of, enter the cockpit of the rebel gunboat.

Dimah will be found in the cockpit, and she will tell you it has been fitted with nitrous, more specifically, Boat Nitrous II. There will be an informant with some information about the vehicles exploding near Insula Dracon, so pilot the boat through the minefield and the enemy gunfire.

Rico will find that both informants at this location are dead, and after going through more mines and gunfire, the next two will be revealed to be dead as well. When you get to the third location, you will meet Teo and Annika, who aren’t exactly with the rebellion but still hate Di Ravello just the same. More helis, gunboats, and some tougher boats will approach your position, so take all of them out with your new pals. Once they’re dead, Mario will hobble over to you in critical condition, so everyone will rush to Insula Dracon’s province of Cauda to patch him up.

If you have the Bavarium Sea Heist DLC, you can start it right after you finish this mission.

Story Mission 2-3: An Act of Piracy

Teo and Annika are willing to help Mario recover, but only if you bring them a tank with a Bavarium shield. There will be one about 2km away, so take the plane to your left to its location and hijack it when its shields are down (they switch between up and down).

Then, take the tank through all sorts of enemy fire, and watch out for explosive barrels in the road. I lost half my health on the tank because I didn’t look where I was going and ran straight into them. When you reach the drop-off point, park the tank into the boat and the mission will end.

Story Mission 2-4: Three's Company

Dimah, Teo, and Annika all have different plans for what to do with their new tank, and then they all decide to use their combined skill to hack out some more information from Di Ravello to best use the tank’s capabilities. Rico will be providing cover fire most of the time while Annika and Teo do the dirty work.

Your first objective will be to get to the vantage point. You don’t need to pick up a sniper rifle at the top, because you can leave that position to take out enemies whenever you feel like. Once all of them are down, get to the next vantage point. Teo will start hacking once he gets there with Annika, so you’ll have to provide more cover fire with either your sniper rifle or whatever else you’ve got on you.

When they finish, the pair will grab a nearby helicopter. Grapple onto it and get ready to fire at some more enemies. Helicopters and other weaponized vehicles will come to attack you, but keep in mind that all it takes to down a helicopter is a nicely placed tether to the ground, and a yank. When the coast is clear, Annika and Teo will bring the info to Dimah and meet you later.

Story Mission 2-5: A Long and Dangerous Road

Sheldon seems to be becoming more and more shady as time passes. Dimah has created an EMP to test out on the Bavarium tanks, an EMP which might explode. The three of you will have to do a test run and drive all the way over to where the tanks are. As with all missions in this particular Act, liberating as much as you can of Insula Dracon beforehand will make all missions in Act 2 much easier due to less enemy attackers.

After a small drive, enemies will come out of the blue and shoot at you. Take them out and continue, only to find more enemies to try and stop you. Along the way, vehicles will drive up to you all, so you can use an old Just Cause 2 tactic of tethering vehicles to the ground and watching them fly. Helicopters won’t have the same reaction to tethers, so when they do show up, reel them into the ground.

After a long and dangerous road, Rico, Teo and Annika will arrive on scene and use the EMP, to find out that the tanks and all surrounding vehicles blow up shortly after. Then you are treated to a quite important bit of information.

Story Mission 2-6: Abandon Ship

All of a sudden, tons of Di Ravello’s forces are coming to Grotto Contrabanero to destroy the EMP and to kill Dimah and - coincidentally - Tom Sheldon knows too. Unfortunately, Annika and Teo don’t want to be caught up in a fight so large, and leave it to you. Mario, though, will fight by your side to protect Dimah.

There will first be barrages of enemy vehicles coming out of the tunnel to the right and from those ships that hold cars. Either take out the enemies or tether the cars to the rock walls and reel them in for an explosion. After a while, helicopters will fly in and try to take out the EMP, so take them out too. Soon enough, there will be masses of enemies coming at you in vehicles, and the EMP will be primed. Activate it and all surrounding vehicles will be destroyed.

Shortly after, paratroopers will fall from the sky, and from the sea will come two battleships. a gunboat, and two helicopters. Take out the battleships first using the CS Negotiator near the top right of the building the EMP is planted on, because the guns on the battleships in this game seem to be the most accurate thing in the world. After a bit more fighting, the EMP will be primed again, so activate it and wipe out any of Di Ravello’s forces.

Only a smidge of opposition will remain, and then after it is taken out, the mission will end.

Story Mission 2-7: Electromagnetic Pulse

Note: Before you can start this mission, you must first liberate three provinces in the region of Insula Dracon.

Like in The Secret of Vis Electra, Rico will be following pipes to his destination in order to disable the FOW of Insula Dracon, which in this case is a Bavarium EMP.

Follow the pipes until you get to a small cave, and soon you will be greeted by a couple of boats and some soldiers on the beach. Take them out and then head for the gate, which Dimah will again hack open for you. Swim through a long tunnel to reach a small pocket of air, and then swim some more to reach the door switch.

The switch will be broken, and Dimah will mention that there should be a tunnel connecting the room you’re in to the room with the generators. The tunnel will be on the right side of the room, so jump in there and swim to the other side.

Now, all you have to do is blow up the three pieces of machinery like last time, and head out through the new exit to the right. Now you can liberate Corda Dracon: CentCom.

Story Mission 2-8: Tangled Up in Blue

Note: Before you can start this mission, you must first liberate the province of Corda Dracon, which has only one location, Corda Dracon: CentCom.

There is all-out war going on, thanks to Mario’s discreet intel manoeuvring. Like in Act 1, there will be some battles going on that you will have to help win. The first one is about 3km away, so try to find a helicopter at Corda Dracon and fly there. Once there, you will face many enemies trying to destroy the rebel plane. Regardless of whether it explodes or takes off like it’s supposed to, you’ll make a large amount of progress towards winning this war.

Next will be a rebel ship that needs to land at the beach. Take another chopper to the ship, taking out any enemy watercraft if you can, and then pilot the ship to shore. Use the ship’s cannons to destroy any enemies firing at you.

The last battle you need to fight is a convoy of four vehicles and a Bavarium tank. Take out the convoy in any order you wish and then fly over to the power plant to take out the generator.

First, you must blow up the shielding preventing you from entering the main chamber where the actual generators are. Then locate each generator’s own shielding switch and destroy all three generators. The only way out now is up, so rush to the tunnel heading skyward and you’ll blast off into the sky.

The final act leads with a returning political leader and ends with the climax of the story, all taking place in Insula Striate.

Just Cause 3 | Act 3

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Story Mission 3-1: Rico and the Rose

Rosa Manuela is coming back from out of hiding to aid in the revolution as the political leader, but surely Di Ravello’s soldiers will try to rip her plane to shreds. Rico needs to fly out there and protect her at all costs.

Take the plane to your left and when you’re within 2km a cutscene will start. After that, just use the homing missiles to take out any jets coming at her. At the same time, though, go as fast as you can, because you will have to catch up with her plane as soon as the jets stop coming.

Tether on to her plane and land it at the rebel hideout of Insula Fonte, an entire region (albeit small) named Umbra. She will thank you and talk with the rebels over the revolution, but first she will stumble upon someone a thorn in your side.

Story Mission 3-2: Derailed Extraction

Before you start this mission, take an RPG with you, because Di Ravello is trying to take Bavarium to an airport by train, and you’ll be on a train coming from the other direction.

Two will drop you off above the train you’ll be riding, and once you do you’ll be attacked by helicopters galore, as well as two vehicles from behind. During the ride, take out the helicopters swiftly by tethering them to the ground and reeling them in.

At two points of your ride will be vehicles coming in from behind, so either launch an RPG missile at the front or detach the train at the location the game tells you to. Soon enough, you will be coming up onto the target train, so pull out your RPG and launch a missile into the front, destroying both yours and Di Ravello’s trains simultaneously.

Story Mission 3-3: The Great Escape

Annika’s old crew has been captured and sent to work in Di Ravello’s mines as slaves. She is insisting that you get them out of there, so swoop to the entrance to the prison to find that Di Ravello has closed the door on you.

In the first room, there are two buttons to press; one is on the left side, and the other is on the right. After pressing both, you’ll have to hack a computer. Luckily, the guards in this room never can get any backup because they’re locked in too, so take your time killing all the guards to ensure your safety.

The second room is just about the same, but the right button is more near the middle of the room while the left one is still near the left perimeter. Again, press these buttons and hack the computer when you’re ready.

The last room has two generators to destroy, but getting to the buttons is pretty hazardous. There will be several accurate soldiers as well as a gatling gun soldier, so try to take out the gatling soldier first. Take out all the guards before pressing the first button, then running back to a hiding spot to kill the new guards that spawn. Destroy the respective generator, and then do the same for the second one.

Annika and Teo will now be attacked, so fly up through the hole in the roof of the generator room to them and take out the enemies before they kill one of them. After they’re down, two vehicles will drive in; once they’re taken care of, the mission will end.

Story Mission 3-4: Bavarium on a Plane

At the beginning of the mission, Sheldon will try to make amends for how things have been going in Medici. Before things get too awkward, Dimah shows up, and Sheldon uses the opportunity to distract them all with the info that a plane holding a car bomb is about to take off from the nearby airport.

Take the car at the start (Dimah and Sheldon are inside) to the airport by following the arrows on the road. You could off-road it, but it’s risky and might not give you enough time. Once on the strip, drive into the cargo hold of the plane.

There will be only two guys guarding the cargo hold, so take them out and head for the roof. Jets will come in groups of four, so grapple them to either another jet or the cargo plane itself. The plane won’t take any damage unless by a jet’s missiles.

Once close enough to Citate di Ravello, get back to the cargo hold and drive the car bomb off the plane and get out of it before it hits the water. Sheldon will close this mission with an old remark from the Agency’s Panau days.

Story Mission 3-5: The Watcher on the Wall

Di Ravello’s forces are coming in to take Zeno and kill as many rebels as they can. First will be a lot of land troops and a tank, followed by two helicopters. Hijack the tank to make this wave of enemies a breeze.

The next three or so waves of enemies will be purely helicopters, so either stay in the tank or use an AA-gun on top of the wall to take them out. After this will be jets in pairs of two, followed by a small amount of land troops. The troops should actually be your first priority since they fire at a faster rate than the jets fire their missiles accurately.

Taking out all the enemies will result in Zeno flying right past you after being broken out of his cell. A rebel will arrive with a motorcycle for you to use, so drive it until you can wingsuit up to him and grapple onto his helicopter. Use GE-64 or some other means to kill Zeno, and you’ll be set for the next mission.

Story Mission 3-6: Bavarium Blackout

Note: Before you can start this mission, you must first liberate three provinces in the region of Insula Striate.

Dimah will fill you in that Insula Striate’s FOW is no different from the others, so just follow the pipes and wait for Dimah to hack open the door.

Hop down inside and be wary of a heavy soldier carrying a gatling gun. To clear this mission the fastest, take him out and use the gatling gun or bring some other powerful weapon. To do it the safest, take out every single guard and then dispose of the generators at your own pace. Like always, there will be an alternative exit nearby.

Misc Achievement: Top of the World

The end of Bavarium Blackout is a great opportunity to get to the highest point in Medici. Here is a video showing you how to get there, starting at the end of the aforementioned mission.

Story Mission 3-7: The Shatterer of Worlds

Note: Before you can start this mission, you must first liberate the province of Falco, which has only one location, Falco Maxime: CentCom.

This is another war across a region of Medici, this time it will be the last one: Insula Striate. The first battle to win will be the killing of only a few snipers while rebels drive through Citrate Di Ravello. Snipers have very low health, so you should have no trouble here.

The second battle will be on the outskirts of Citate di Ravello. Tons of ground troops and tanks are moving in on the rebels here, so hack both SAM sites here and rebel air support will fly in to assist you. To speed things up, you could also hijack a tank and blast away at the enemy.

The third and final battle will be quite a ways away, but luckily for you there is a jet nearby for you to use. Three other jets will be flying around an island, so use your homing missiles to destroy them easily. The last thing you have to do is meet Dimah at Falco Maxime’s central command tower as she destroys all knowledge of Bavarium.

Story Mission 3-8: Son of Medici

Di Ravello has fled to that volcano on the top left of the map. After finding Annika and Teo at the celebration held by Rosa Manuela, take a jet to the volcano. Your friends insist that once you’re down there, Di Ravello will have to come out.

Di Ravello does show himself, but he’s in a golden Urga Mstitel, the most powerful helicopter in the game. The Bavarium shielding, as well as the light around you, is red, so you may have a hard time gauging how much damage you’ve taken. Dodge his missiles, and when his shield is down, pelter him with everything you’ve got (or tether his Mstitel to the ground and reel him in for a fight lasting less than a minute).

Di Ravello will emerge from the wreckage, alive, saying that he cannot be defeated by Rico Rodriguez. He will start monologuing, so shoot him whenever you feel like it when given the prompt.

Liberating all points doesn't really require much of a guide, but here are a few pointers and strategies.

The approach in which you decide to liberate the points matters quite a bit. Waiting till the end of the story to liberate most of the map will leave you with few gears to obtain for the story. On the other hand, if you felt like liberating Insula Fonte before finishing Act 1, the rest of Act 1 will be incredibly easy, and you will have access to tons of challenges and Mods right off the bat; you could also continue this process for the other Acts. I consider this the best strategy, because you'll be more than ready to tackle the story after honing your skills on Gear Challenges.

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There are three CentComs on the map, discovered automatically like Manaea and Vis Electra, that are large military bases. Don't approach these just yet, because they will rain hellfire on you from above. Even if you keep going back to these three locations after dying from the barrages (you will die from those eventually) and liberate the place, the missiles will STILL come down on you. The only way to stop these missiles from continuing their attack is to progress in the story to where the mission reward is the halting of the strikes. The FOW of Insula Dracon will not be a problem for you unless you're in a vehicle, so you can liberate it whenever you want (but you won't be able to do the Destruction Frenzy located there until the FOW is turned off).

You should be able to fast travel to any discovered location (government controlled or liberated) or any challenge. Liberating a province will reveal the collectibles in that province on the map, and will allow you to fast travel for free as long as the starting point is from a liberated province. Liberating all provinces of a region will unlock the achievement for that specific region.

Gear Challenges become available after you liberate the settlement that the challenge is in. You can get five gears maximum in each one, and you will have to get all five gears in all 112 Gear Challenges for an achievement. The gears you get unlock (mostly) useful upgrades for your equipment, which in turn makes other Gear Challenges easier and more doable. Although it might not be very noticeable, a Gear Challenge icon on the map will change from green to blue when you have all five gears in that challenge.

The first set of Gear Challenges are the Destruction Frenzy challenges, and have 23 different challenges across Medici. Some will require you to use a certain weapon or weapon type, while others will force you to use a certain vehicle. Two notable upgrades are Chaos Object Homing, which grants your grenades to home in towards both enemies and chaos objects, and More Grenades III, increasing your grenade count to 6.

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Just Cause 3 | Destruction Frenzy Challenges

Next are the Crash Bomb Challenges, which require you to maintain a certain speed in a car-bomb until you ditch the car at the destination. Most of the Crash Bomb challenges will lower your score barely under five gears, but when you blow up the targets you should be pushed back up to five. Booster Explosives II turns your GE-64 into a rocket propulsion for a while before exploding, which can be very fun to mess with, and More Explosives II lets you carry a maximum of 5 packages of GE-64 at once.

Just Cause 3 | Crash Bomb Challenges

There are only five Shooting Gallery Challenges, and each one is a shooting range for a specific type of weapon. These can be troublesome for some people, but with practice they are quite doable. The best Gear MOD for this type is Weapon Restock II, allowing you to immediately call for the same weapon in a rebel drop.

Just Cause 3 | Shooting Gallery Challenges

Like the last set of challenges, Scrapyard Scramble Challenges are few and far between, with only four challenges in Medici. For these, you need to tether a Bavarium attractor to your car and bring Bavarium to the loading zone for points. The Gear MODs for these challenges are incredibly useful; if you feel like finding these challenges to do them immediately I don't blame you. Your tether count will increase from a maximum of 2 to 6, and tethers can increase in strength to pull loose a sphere tank.

Just Cause 3 | Scrapyard Scramble Challenges

There are 27 Wingsuit Course Challenges, where you fly through rings to the end zone. Flying through the center gives you far more points, and flying through the end circle gives you 5000 points regardless of your position in the circle. You may find yourself having to pull yourself forward with tethers for more momentum in some challenges, and for some, pulling yourself around until you reach the necessary score has been a valid method for gear-getters. All Travel Gear MODs give you more control over your flight capabilities in the wingsuit.

Just Cause 3 | Wingsuit Course Challenges

Land Race Challenges, of which there are 18, are comparable to the land races in Just Cause 1&2, where you must pass through checkpoint rings and get to the end. More often than not, the default vehicle should suffice, but if not, switching to a sports car or fast motorcycle if possible could help. Gear MODs for these challenges increase your nitrous capabilities and influence rebel drops, giving you five rebel drop beacons at maximum.

Just Cause 3 | Land Race Challenges

Air Race Challenges are just about the same, fly through the rings and get to the end in time. The best MODs you unlock are also identical to the Land Vehicle MODs, but instead of an increase in rebel drop beacons, you get an increase in fast travel flares. Although this is useful, the flares are not necessary if you pray at every rebel shrine in all of Medici.

Just Cause 3 | Air Race Challenges

Sea Race Challenges follow the same strategy, and their best Gear MODs are the same, but without any beacon or flare increase, since those are covered in the Land & Air Race Challenges.

Just Cause 3 | Sea Race Challenges

In the Sky Fortress DLC, there are four new Gear Challenges that will also be repeated in the page for Sky Fortress. Three of them are Wingsuit Course Challenges meant for the Bavarium wingsuit, and the last is a Sky Terror Challenge, where you destroy drones in the air with the weapons on the wingsuit. In the Mech Land Assault DLC, there are only two new Gear Challenges, consisting of several waves of enemies that must be killed using the mech. The Bavarium Sea Heist DLC adds one new Gear Challenge to upgrade the new weapon, the eDEN Spark, and is somewhat mandatory to get one of the achievements for the eDEN Spark.

Just Cause 3 | Air, Land & Sea Challenges

As for the achievements, they are very straightforward, and you will get them as you progress through the challenges. Equipping all of them for at least a minute each does not require all of the gears, but if you want the full 1000 for the base game, you will have to get all the gears anyway. Beating your friend's score in any challenge also gives you an achievement.

  • MOD Initiate

    Unlock your first Gear MOD, and then activate it.

    MOD Initiate
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

There are a bunch of different kinds of vehicles in this game, and some are easier to find than others. After getting 12/90 gears in Land Race Challenges, you unlock a Gear MOD that notifies you if you're near a car that isn't in your rebel drop list. It works the same way that the collectibles around the map work, with that little radar thing at the bottom. When you have the time, just stand around a garage and wait for cars to pass by that you don't have, and then turn them in. However, there are certain vehicles that are either hard to find, have prerequisites to moving them to a garage, or are just in the middle of nowhere. Here is a video showing the location of eight vehicles that give people the most trouble, using some of MePixxel's strategies from TrueAchievements.

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Once you've finally taken all the vehicles, you will officially have become the very best, like no one ever was. This doesn't require vehicles unlocked through the story, just vehicles listed in Garage Blueprints in the menus. Those said vehicles from the story will give you Earth, Wind and Sea naturally.

  • Earth, Wind and Sea

    Unlock Rebel Drops for at least one land vehicle, one air vehicle, and one sea vehicle.

    Earth, Wind and Sea
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

And if you become a car-catching champion and unlock all of the weapons on top of that, you'll get this elusive achievement. This does require you to finish the story to unlock the Urga Mstitel, as well as all the collectibles and performing all the stunt jumps.

All collectibles will be shown on the map in a province once that province has been liberated, and all are very straightforward, so there is no need for any kind of map here in the walkthrough. All collectibles look the same on the map except for stunt jumps, whether it be a shrine, a tomb, or an audio diary.

In each region, there are rebel shrines to honor those who died fighting against Di Ravello. Praying at all the shrines in a region such as Insula Fonte will unlock the capability of fast traveling anywhere in Insula Fonte without using a beacon.

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Ancient tombs are found only on Insula Striate, and they reward you with an exotic weapon, the Urga Stupka-210.

There are a small amount of stunt jumps as well, marked by a motorcycle doing a wheelie. All you really have to do is drop a vehicle near the stunt jump and drive off; nothing fancy is necessary. Doing all the jumps in a region gives you a special vehicle.

71 audio diaries from Di Ravello are also scattered across all regions. I don't know why they're spread around the country, but they do provide a nice backstory to Di Ravello's past, and collecting them all unlocks the golden Urga Mstitel, the best helicopter in the game.

Buried in little dirt piles are vintage parts, which reward you with a vehicle or weapon if all parts for that reward are collected.

Getting all of these collectibles will net you the final achievement.

In the Bavarium Sea Heist DLC, there are 18 tapes from Eden Callaghan, much like the Di Ravello tapes. The Callaghan tapes are not linked to any achievement, but if you feel like learning more about the plot linked between all three of the add-ons, you should pick these up if you see them. They will also be marked on your map once you liberate the new area of the DLC.

As with the achievements in many games, there are ones considered miscellaneous. The link below contains a playlist for most of these achievements, and the miscellaneous achievements for the Air, Land, & Sea DLC as well.

Just Cause 3 | Misc Achievements

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These first three come extremely easily as you progress through the game. Chaos increases by destroying chaos objects, enemy vehicles, or performing certain actions.

For the feat achievements, you will have to find your feats by going to the leaderboards, selecting your feat scores, then choosing one to call someone out on. Then, have someone call you out on a feat as well, and beat it. Finally, perform all the different feats for the last achievement. The feat you should save for last is Endless Runner, done with a wooden soapbox car at Cima Leon: CentCom. You need to ride in the car for a certain distance and then leave it whenever you feel like it. Don't do this feat until you've done all others; there have been reports of the achievement glitching if you do it beforehand.

Encounters come often in Medici, and are marked automatically when they appear. You're going to want to complete as many of these as you can when you're not occupied with something else, at least until you get the achievements you need. After doing these little side objectives, you unlock either a church (which clears heat when you enter it) or a supply point. You also need to hide in a church at Heat Level 5. If you already completely liberated Medici, you can reset all settlements after you beat the main story.

For Top of the World, get up to the tallest point in Medici. The video guide will show you where this is and how to get there.

For ...Without Bullets! you will have to take over a military base (cannot be a normal settlement or anything like that) without weapons or any sort of explosive, including GE-64. A perfect time to do this is the beginning of the game, where you have to liberate Vis Electra. It may take a couple deaths, but eventually you should take the base using only tethers and melee; since Vis Electra has turbine blocks, these cannot be destroyed with tethers, so just punch them out instead.

For the next achievement, you must take a booster explosive and put it on an enemy soldier. Booster explosives are unlocked with 7/60 gears in the explosives mods, obtained in Crash Bomb Challenges. The best way to do this is to tether a soldier to a wall by first unlocking the 2x Tethers mod from 3/20 gears from Scrapyard Scramble Challenges, giving you four tethers to use. Tether all four limbs of a soldier to a wall, and try to keep him alive. Put the booster explosive anywhere on him and let him go. Soon after, if you want to see a show, release the tethers to see him fly off.

To easily find a gas canister, travel to Guardia Lacos I, in Insula Fonte's Lacos province. Tether an enemy to one of these canister (or one of your allies in a turret nearby if you've liberated the outpost) and then shoot the canister to launch the poor guy into the air.

Also in the province of Lacos, find Cima Leon: Silo and locate the tank within the base. Do not, under any circumstances, allow a single chaos object to be destroyed unless while you're in the tank, firing away at them. Once you liberate the base by staying only in the tank, the last miscellaneous achievement will unlock. If you've already liberated Cima Leon: Silo, try using an endgame tank after you get all other achievements on an enemy controlled base. If you still cannot get the achievement, you can reset all settlements after the main story, but wait until you have only this achievement left to go.

Finally, getting 100% in the in-game counter will grant you what you've been gearing for this whole time.

In the base game, after completing A Terrible Reaction, Sheldon should call you and say that he needs some help about something very important. The first mission should pop up on your map soon after. The DLC missions have a different artistic take on the cutscenes.

Just Cause 3 | Air, Land & Sea

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Story Mission A-1: Suit Up

Rico and Sheldon will meet at the wreckage of a drone that just slaughtered dozens of Medician civilians. They talk about the make of the drone, which is from eDEN Corporation, which Sheldon is familiar with. He gives Rico an invention Dimah made, the Bavarium Wingsuit, which is equipped with weaponry and a jet for increased movement.

Follow a drone nearby (do not destroy it) until you find three excavator drones digging up Bavarium. Take out these drones and then head to the next location of excavator drones. Do the same to these, and eDEN Corporation will send a third type of drone to kill you. Reduce this one to rubble and then fly towards the marker on the map to discover that eDEN has a massive airship in the sky, probably powered by Bavarium.

Story Mission A-2: Taking Control

Note: Before you can start this mission, you must first liberate the province of eDEN Airship, located off the west coast of Insula Fonte.

Sheldon has important intel for Rico regarding the eDEN Corporation, but it looks like something is blocking the signal. Dotted around the airship are blue jammers. Take them out and Sheldon will tell you to get inside the airship.

Destroy the panel interface to open the hatch, then fall inside to reach an unusual garden. The Black Hand from Rico’s days in San Esperito are back to kill you, this time upgraded with Bavarium Splitters and tougher armor. Take them all down and Sheldon will tell you where to go from there.

Hack the access panel in the drone storage room. After it shuts you out, a giant spider mech on the ceiling will activate, accompanied by several Black Hand soldiers to defend the area. The spider mech should be your biggest priority. Once all are defeated, eDEN will talk to you once again and the mission will end.

  • Break a Leg!

    Defeat the "Old Friend" (Boss at the end of "Taking Control").

    Break a Leg!
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game mode.

Story Mission A-3: Severance

Note: In order to start this mission, you must first liberate the settlements eDEN Extraction Site Alpha and eDEN Extraction Site Bravo, located in Montana and Prospere of Insula Striate, respectively.

Sheldon finally tells Rico that the Agency funded an eDEN invention that pulls Bavarium out of the ground, except in a way that it is a highly negative impact on the environment. Time to break it before eDEN destroys Medici.

Around the pillars near the weapon are energy tanks that are fueling its Bavarium shields. Destroy them to disable it by using the Bavarium wingsuit to fly around and launch missiles.

After that will be stabilizers, which are the rotating pieces of the machine, moving around the core. Destroying those will open the vents on the machine, to prevent overheating. Take these vents out next.

Finally, once the machine is fully incapacitated, destroy it and head into the airship to find Eden.

  • My Name is Eden

    Beat the last mission of the Sky Fortress Expansion and complete the story arc.

    My Name is Eden
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game mode.

Throughout the DLC missions, try to barrel roll to avoid missiles, and take out at least one of each drone, which should come naturally. Taking off from the water also gives you an achievement. If you need a video guide on how to do Like a Fish... in the Air!, the link can be found on the Misc Achievements page.

There are four new Gear Challenges, three of which are Flight Master, similar to Wingsuit Courses, and one is new, called Sky Terror. They all are actually fairly challenging and will probably require a few runs through.

Just Cause 3 | Air, Land & Sea Challenges

  • A True Master

    Earn 5 Gears in all Challenges of the Sky Fortress Expansion.

    A True Master
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Cumulative + - These achievements are obtained by repeatedly performing the same action or set of actions over time.

After completing the mission Conflicting Interests, the first mission of the Mech Land Assault will show up on the map in the northwestern area of Insula Striate (at least for me it did). If you want to try to get to Insula Lacrima before you start the mission, you can't; a gravity shield will push you or any vehicle you're in away from the island.

Just Cause 3 | Air, Land & Sea

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Story Mission L-1: Stowaway

Rico will find prisoners being shuffled aboard a plane to Insula Lacrima by the Black Hand. This is not like them to make a scene like this, so Rico jumps aboard to investigate.

When the plane door opens, take out the Black Hand members and move down to the next room. There will be three enemies manning turrets, so take them out. Then, grab a weapon to use and destroy the mech that enters the room.

In the adjacent room, there will be a weapon called the Power Core. Take it and disable the blue energy shield on the other side of the room. The little yellow switch on top can be activated by tethering it to the ground. Do so, and you will find yourself in a room of broken mechs. Another switch is on the upper balcony of this room.

In the next area will be another mech, but this time you’re going to disable it using another Power Core nearby and hop into it. When you do, drive the mech onto the pressure plate and an elevator will come down. Ride it up and you’ll find yourself at a Black Hand base.

There will be a dead end with a wall to the right that you can take apart. Go through here and fight the Black Hand while also disabling the center structure. After the enemies are killed and the structure destroyed, follow the path on the road to the prisoner processing center. Open the armory, free the prisoners, and release the ringleader to finish this long mission.

Story Mission L-2: Storming the Hive

Note: Before you can start this mission, you must first liberate the entire island of Insula Striate.

The prisoners are ready to rebel against the Black Hand and take down their base, The Hive. The mission starts out like a war mission from the base game, but it plays out a bit differently. The first thing you will want to do is kill 20 of any enemy. Then you’ll be tasked with assisting several people in their own battles across the island, each marked as important enough to show you their own health bar. After succeeding enough to have the war progress bar move to full, the resistance will be waiting for you at The Hive.

Fly over to The Hive and take out the remaining enemy forces. Then, destroy the four anti-air drones on the roof, and then the mech inside the courtyard. Behind you will be a button to push, and under the button will be two yellow blockages to tether off the door.

Once the rebels are in the courtyard, you will all be ambushed by the Black Hand. After a fight with them, you’ll enter the building with one of the rebel leaders. They will hack open the door for you, and now the only way down is with a mech. Take the one nearby and push the pressure switch to ride the elevator down.

After the long ride, pull down on the two switches and you’ll enter a room full of chaos objects and enemies. The goal is to take out the objects, but wiping out the enemies doesn’t hurt. When all is destroyed, three boats will try to leave the base before it’s too late for them. Make sure they don’t escape. When they join their fellow members in death, escape The Hive before it blows, and watch the final cutscene.

When doing these missions, you should try to destroy as many enemy vehicles as you can with Force Pulse. If you need a video guide on how to do This Is Not A Fireball, the link can be found on the Misc Achievements page.

There will be only two new Gear Challenges for you to get five gears in, and both are Mech Arenas, consisting of several waves of enemies to kill.

Just Cause 3 | Air, Land & Sea Challenges

After completing the mission Connect the Dots, the first mission of the Bavarium Sea Heist DLC will show up on your map. The two missions are much longer than a story mission from the original three acts of the main game.

Just Cause 3 | Air, Land & Sea

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Story Mission S-1: The Setup

The mission begins with some info about the eDEN Corporation’s old base in the sea, west of Medici. To infiltrate the place, now taken over by the Black Hand, you’ll need a few things. Do you remember Looch from the beginning of the game, when you had to find the equipment for Dimah? He’s back now, and he’s able to build you an incredible boat to use against the Black Hand.

The first thing you’ll need is the boat itself, found in a cargo plane in the sky. Hop onto the top of the plane marked nearby and it’ll eventually fly you right above the cargo plane itself. Enter, and two guards will start shooting at you. Take them out, open the cargo bay door, and take the cargo out of the plane using a tether. Then jump out immediately after it, because it has your new boat inside.

Drive the boat to Grotta Contrabandero, where you started from, and use the helicopter nearby to fly to an ambush point (keep it intact, you’ll need it again shortly) to attack a convoy with credentials to the Stingray Area. Plant explosives on the bridge, take out the enemies, and pick up the nearby briefcase. Then fly to the next area, a Black Hand dry dock with some necessary generators on it.

Upon arrival, you’ll be attacked by many Black Hand soldiers, some boats, and some helicopters. Hack the SAM site when you can to get rid of the choppers, and work your way through all the enemies. Afterwards, an allied helicopter will drop down for you to use.

Pilot the helicopter above one of the generators, and then tether one (or more as a precaution) to your vehicle to prevent it from crashing into the dock while you attach the generator. Then, after a long flight back to Grotto Contrabandero, the mission will end, and Looch will have finished creating the ultimate rocket boat.

Story Mission S-2: The Heist Begins

Note: In order to start this mission, you must first liberate the region of Stingray Area, west of Insula Dracon. Do not approach the center structure yet, because lightning will obliterate you.

To pull off this grand heist, you will first use the Black Hand boat to approach the main station. Then, fight your way inside and you’ll go through a couple of rooms. They will be very straightforward: either kill guards, hack a computer, or break some electrical machinery, all of which will be incredibly easy. At the end will be the eDEN Spark. Pick it up and hack the computer nearby to open the door to the outside.

Your heist buddies will need some help leaving the Stingray Area, so use your new weapon to obliterate anyone that gets caught in its path. After all the enemies are killed, fly over to the Loochador and guide everyone to safety.

This won’t last long, as about four fleets (one at a time) will converge on your position. Sheldon and the gang will flee to the rendezvous point, while the rebels Looch has called in will help you take out the Black Hand fleets. When they’re all taken care of, reach the rendezvous point to finish the mission and unlock the Gear Challenge for the eDEN Spark.

  • One Last Score

    Beat the last mission of the Bavarium Sea Heist expansion and complete the story arc.

    One Last Score
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game mode.

The Loochador is useful for two achievements (as well as destroying just about everything). Taking out five helicopters will grant you Loochador Master, and taking out ten boats while in the air will give you The Flying Medician. You can get to this right away, after The Setup, but the Loochador next to you after the end of the mission will not be a “rebel drop Loochador”, so it will not be affected by Gear Mods. You will need Boat Turbo Jump I from the Sea Race Gear MODs in order to make the Loochador jump. Then blast nearby boats to pieces.

For me, these two achievements popped after destroying only one of each. This might have been due to the DLC having a bug on release, and might be patched as of now, but either way, this is rather easy to do.

There is only one new Gear Challenge to tackle, and although it might not be directly linked to an achievement, it's incredibly helpful for upgrading the eDEN Spark to kill ten people in one strike. The Gear Challenge for the eDEN Spark unlocks after you beat The Heist Begins. Additionally, destroying an enemy helicopter with the eDEN Spark will also grant you an achievement, so it's in your best interest to get all five gears on the new challenge.

Just Cause 3 | Air, Land & Sea Challenges

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