Top Scores for the Half-Life Series

For the Half-Life Series leaderboards, we include all games including regional and platform variants of each game to enable us to properly compare gamers.

Top Scores for the Half-Life Series

Gamer Achievements TA GS Played Completed
1. ShaDoW__ 285 6,011 2,850 10 9
2. shaburov_d 279 5,901 2,790 9 8
3. FunkeymonkeyTTR 269 5,518 2,690 11 9
4. Veldin 256 4,728 2,560 8 7
5. A7Xnobody 263 4,580 2,630 9 9
6. Macnex 252 4,362 2,520 9 9
7. Eleven 245 4,214 2,450 9 6
8. Andros 238 4,179 2,380 8 7
9. Shoiba 237 4,164 2,370 8 7
10. vred 239 4,146 2,390 8 8
11. PMitchell1011 225 3,899 2,250 8 6
12. awesomewyguydebest 230 3,889 2,300 9 6
13. Ben 217 3,874 2,170 7 7
14. Sorcer 220 3,781 2,200 7 6
15. D A R K 3 6 0 220 3,684 2,200 8 2
16. tenguely 214 3,615 2,140 7 6
17. Julius Nicholson 197 3,561 1,970 7 6
18. zetul 195 3,541 1,950 6 6
19. eari359 192 3,428 1,920 10 3
20. FirelanderX 205 3,394 2,050 7 6
21. Gerlach 203 3,386 2,030 7 5
22. Joe Nuts Gaming 190 3,366 1,900 6 5
23. VZHG 206 3,325 2,050 8 6
24. _freq1 205 3,313 2,050 7 7
25. MercurySG3M 205 3,313 2,050 7 7
26. TreeTrunk 205 3,313 2,050 7 7
27. Venez 205 3,313 2,050 7 7
28. undefined 188 3,301 1,880 7 5
29. chado97531steam1 134 3,293 1,340 3 0
30. tosu 199 3,286 1,990 8 5
31. jakub_chr 199 3,269 1,990 7 6
32. Burretploof 199 3,268 1,990 7 6
33. Imagopher 200 3,259 2,000 7 6
34. Rallygrabben 199 3,248 1,990 7 6
35. BiFLeuR InDien 192 3,229 1,920 7 6
36. Morty McFlurry 195 3,208 1,950 7 6
37. 3rdstWeskey 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
38. adman17 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
39. araskes 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
40. Arek 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
41. BraiweN 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
42. d03n3rfr1tz3 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
43. dogbird12345 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
44. donovanjaroch 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
45. DrChaoticLordPhD 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
46. Edupop 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
47. IHateHikari 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
48. Jmech1986 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
49. Knodo 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
50. masterofp 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
51. Nunozki 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
52. Oreo 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
53. PerceptionD 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
54. ramen 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
55. Rodger Young 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
56. Scizzoid 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
57. shezzor 194 3,198 1,940 6 6
58. DramoK 183 3,168 1,830 6 5
59. Defrostmode 187 3,166 1,870 9 2
60. ColossusSteppes 197 3,139 1,970 8 4
61. iliyalb 195 3,134 1,950 7 6
62. archMicrobe 190 3,107 1,900 6 5
63. Tyler The Tire 189 3,079 1,890 6 5
64. Sandvich18 192 3,066 1,920 8 5
65. Frobbio 188 3,052 1,880 6 5
66. Amaurea 187 3,047 1,870 6 5
67. Cleverbot 184 3,042 1,840 6 4
68. riddick 181 3,033 1,810 7 5
69. Sit Back 180 3,026 1,800 7 5
70. Ryebredrox 186 3,017 1,860 7 4
71. forMuziek 182 2,961 1,820 7 4
72. Combine 182 2,959 1,820 6 4
73. AciDek 186 2,945 1,860 6 5
74. xCryptoNight 177 2,923 1,770 6 5
75. PurposeLess 184 2,911 1,840 7 4
76. Deunousen 179 2,892 1,790 6 5
77. AbysalLuna 155 2,877 1,550 6 4
78. NewGOLF4 174 2,871 1,740 7 4
79. ChIcKeNbLuE 171 2,843 1,710 6 5
80. Eye ballin 168 2,838 1,680 6 5
81. Yurivw 170 2,834 1,700 6 5
82. fugles 183 2,833 1,830 7 4
83. Frostwolfo 168 2,820 1,680 6 5
84. aldairrev 174 2,798 1,740 6 5
85. VaultBoee 166 2,779 1,660 6 5
86. Djhatt 176 2,779 1,760 6 3
87. WildboyWiley 167 2,776 1,670 6 5
88. AveryChu 178 2,764 1,780 6 5
89. ShugoScav 171 2,760 1,710 6 4
90. Krazer 179 2,756 1,790 7 2
91. Chester 148 2,754 1,480 4 3
92. huddog 165 2,753 1,650 6 3
93. SPARTAN-277 164 2,744 1,640 6 5
94. cwojtek 170 2,737 1,700 6 5
95. Firmar 169 2,732 1,690 7 5
96. fkaWill 163 2,732 1,630 6 5
97. Sailes 161 2,721 1,610 5 5
98. Andres 162 2,720 1,620 6 5
99. Rallymen007 169 2,720 1,690 6 5
100. Teetos 161 2,719 1,610 7 6
101. Pro cnr 175 2,710 1,750 6 4
102. jag 173 2,709 1,730 7 1
103. 4loris4 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
104. Advanst 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
105. Alpha_A 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
106. Alx7893 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
107. Antacity 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
108. Aperture_Dude 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
109. Avisari 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
110. Cowboy 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
111. cyanAmpersand 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
112. Daxxari 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
113. Gunthorpe63210 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
114. hdk5 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
115. heller 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
116. Jaucoholic 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
117. jmd1505 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
118. Kammenos 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
119. Mihoteo 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
120. Naftak 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
121. NeodyGuy 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
122. Pasta Cat 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
123. pr1m3ra 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
124. ScaredZombie 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
125. Sporrow 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
126. TateDotW 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
127. Teisybe 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
128. the knight of apathy 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
129. Tiolinnyo 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
130. TotalControl 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
131. Verne 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
132. x8644 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
133. xDavid13x 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
134. ZaNFurry 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
135. ウィリー 161 2,708 1,610 5 5
136. RumpleForeskin 180 2,706 1,800 9 4
137. CatsFTW 179 2,700 1,790 7 5
138. SolStarK 166 2,700 1,660 6 5
139. Stayjax 175 2,700 1,750 7 4
140. gpelz 160 2,692 1,600 5 4
141. Trentc27 161 2,686 1,610 6 4
142. lionel messenger 161 2,685 1,610 6 3
143. Purple Ban 167 2,683 1,670 8 2
144. Kot_Cheetah 159 2,682 1,590 5 3
145. Frostlander 166 2,677 1,660 6 5
146. glxss 157 2,675 1,570 6 3
147. Blarged 160 2,674 1,600 5 4
148. HueJ 160 2,674 1,600 5 4
149. IncogN_gro 160 2,674 1,600 5 4
150. Riman 163 2,665 1,630 6 4
151. Dzieciol 175 2,664 1,750 6 5
152. Dige 159 2,640 1,590 5 3
153. Mattador 164 2,637 1,640 7 6
154. ThorDS 176 2,631 1,760 7 5
155. sticky_ 158 2,628 1,580 5 4
156. aaaaaaaaaa810 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
157. Ablmeo 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
158. AFAK 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
159. Anubis6A 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
160. Beigemidnight 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
161. Dragon 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
162. Feeder 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
163. hierarch_orion 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
164. hunz 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
165. Kadath 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
166. KiLLLLeR150 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
167. LinkCrayon 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
168. LUKiNTEROS 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
169. MakapoH 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
170. monsef987 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
171. SnipE 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
172. Sterbehilfe 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
173. stfN1337 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
174. Vitt 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
175. Xeinok 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
176. Xtreamgame 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
177. Zeelan 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
178. ZeGroN 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
179. Zelasis 163 2,627 1,630 6 6
180. MintTails 178 2,623 1,780 8 4
181. sirmeg 158 2,621 1,580 5 4
182. simo1730 157 2,619 1,570 6 4
183. typekcz 158 2,614 1,580 5 4
184. Leditic 151 2,612 1,510 6 2
185. cmasterchief 162 2,611 1,620 6 5
186. Spanners 158 2,611 1,580 5 4
187. JavaScript 162 2,607 1,620 6 5
188. GrumpyArab 163 2,601 1,630 6 5
189. iSmile02 171 2,596 1,710 6 5
190. Omacka 171 2,578 1,710 7 5
191. KingKamina 146 2,575 1,460 6 3
192. anton8677 158 2,572 1,580 6 5
193. Cosinus 158 2,572 1,580 6 5
194. THG-303 158 2,572 1,580 6 5
195. Werewing 158 2,572 1,580 6 5
196. Deadmarsh 153 2,571 1,530 5 4
197. YesIndeed 166 2,564 1,660 6 3
198. mctl 157 2,556 1,570 6 4
199. Jizzlobber 156 2,552 1,560 6 5
200. BrezzyFlash 156 2,546 1,560 5 4
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