2. The Forgotten City General hints and tips

This walkthrough uses cheats to get the first three ending achievements (and even partially get the fourth) in order to get them quickly. You have an unlimited number of tries to get the rest of them. You can even unlock any achievement in any order at any time, including ending achievements. In fact, I put endings 2 and 3 towards the end of this walkthrough because it makes the most sense. The two cheats we will be using are:

  1. cn_LTcn_RTcn_LBcn_RBcn_LTcn_RTcn_LBcn_RBcn_Acn_A: God Mode
  2. cn_LTcn_LTcn_LTcn_RTcn_RTcn_RTcn_RBcn_LBcn_Acn_A: No-Clip

You can also use the following console commands (~ key):

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  1. ghost/noclip: Fly/Pass through objects (NOTE: This has to be re-enabled every loop.)
  2. set game speed # (NOTE: This impacts both movement speed AND the in game world.)
    1. 1: Default
    2. 0.5: Slow Motion
    3. 9: Very Fast (NOTE: Do NOT use if you want Minimalist unless you're very good at controlling you character.)
  3. god: God Mode (NOTE: This has to be re-enabled every loop.)
  4. The following are give commands:
  5. give flashlight: Flashlight
  6. give bow: Regular Bow
  7. give bow_gold: Golden Bow
  8. For the following, simply replace "#" with how many you want.
    1. give bow_arrow #: Gives you arrows for your bow.
    2. give ammo #: Gives you bullets for your gun.
    3. give coin #: Gives you Denarii (coins).


  1. You know the codes worked when you see the icons in the top right corner of the screen. They disappear when you disable them.
  2. I can personally confirm neither the use of push button codes nor console commands has any effect on achievements whatsoever.
  3. God Mode does not carry over between Time Loops, even though the icon is still active (NOTE: This is only if you used the push button code on a controller.). If you have to load for any reason, you have to re-enable God Mode. If you have to go through a Loop, you have to disable it, then re-enable it.
  4. In order to interact, you have to disable No-Clip.
  5. Push button codes are easy to use, even if you take a second between button presses.
  6. There is no give gun console command, so keep that in mind when creating your character.

You can pick one of four types of characters you want to be:

  1. Archaeologist: Years of history give you occasional insights into the ancient world.
  2. Soldier: You have a military-issued firearm, but only 10 bullets. But you'll have to use them judiciously since there's no way to get more.
  3. Fugitive: Your time on the run from authorities has made you quick on your feet, and you're 25% faster while sprinting.
  4. Amnesiac: Your recent head trauma increased your pain threshold, making you 50% harder to take down.

Archaeologist makes it easier to talk to people and study the city, Soldier makes it easier to get the endings (and is required for at least one of them AFAIK), Fugitive makes it easier to escape the Golden Statues, and Amnesiac is essentially useless, especially if you use God Mode.

Here are the Xbox controls:

  1. cn_LS: Move your character
  2. cn_RS: Move the camera
  3. cn_start: Pause
  4. cn_Y/Tab: Journal
  5. cn_X: Track Main Goal/Lead
  6. cn_A: Interact/Talk
  7. cn_B: Cancel/Exit/Skips dialogue/jump
  8. cn_right: Cycle weapon/flashlight right
  9. cn_left: Cycle weapon/flashlight left
  10. cn_up: Enter photo/screenshot mode
    1. cn_right: Cycle screen filter right
    2. cn_left: Cycle screen filter left
  11. cn_down: Change screen filter
  12. cn_LT: Sprint
  13. Tap cn_RT: Fire gun while equipped
  14. Hold cn_RT and release: Fire bow while equipped
  15. cn_LB: Zoom/Aim

Here are the Keyboard and Mouse controls:

  1. Keyboard controls:
    1. W: Move Forward
    2. S: Move Backwards
    3. A: Move Left
    4. D: Move Right
  2. Shift: Sprint
  3. Jump: Spacebar
  4. C/Ctrl: Crouch
  5. E: Use/Interact
  6. M/X: Objective Guide
  7. Right Mouse Button: Zoom/Aim
  8. Left Mouse Button: Weapon Primary
  9. Mouse Wheel: Weapon Secondary
  10. Move Mouse: Camera
  11. Tab: Journal and Inventory
  12. P: Photo Mode

NOTE: I play with an Xbox controller.

Furthermore, time only pauses when you're paused or looking at the journal. It doesn't pause during a conversation, and there's no way to actually pause during one either, so be careful if you feel like you have to take your time. However, I never had a problem with it while going through the dungeons.

Finally, no two playthroughs are the same. Just because I get dialogue options you don't doesn't mean either of us were wrong. It simply means we did or said something slightly different, and a result, got different dialogue choices.

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