Silver Creek Falls: Chapter 1 Reviews

  • transyotransyo23,070
    30 May 2017
    2 0 0
    From Sapphire Dragon Productions comes Silver Creek Falls, a mystery game with the nostalgic 16-bit graphics that we all love from childhood. A horror-mystery that has a free first chapter and was first released back in 2015.

    You play as two detectives who are sent to Silver Creek after a string of murders that have left the local police force lost. Upon arriving, the two detectives are just as stumped.

    I didn't know what to expect when I first opened this. I've seen some gameplay of some 16-bit games, such as The Crooked Man, but didn't know if I would enjoy this game at all. I found I was really intrigued by this. The mystery element is absolutely stunning and has left me utterly confused, trying to figure out what I can (which isn't much). The characters all have their own personalities and feel like they could easily be real people - which can be hard to do. I've seen a lot of games like this fail.

    The game is simple enough - find the clues, catch the killer. If you're a little nervous about "find the clues", don't worry, the characters don't actually let you leave an area until you have at least the clues that are significant to the case.

    This was a lot better than what I originally expected, which was something that wasn't going to be very good, really. It has me really hooked and I cannot wait for pay day so I can get the rest of the chapters of this game. I'm really excited to finish the rest of it and see where everything is going.

    I would definitely recommend this game for people who love horrors and mysteries. Achievement hunters, hurrah! Two easy achievements to collect! I completed the achievements in merely 10 minutes and then went on to continue to finish the first chapter in about 40 (fifty minutes game play altogether).

    This is a small masterpiece and I cannot wait to continue it!
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