My NAUGHTY Shotgun Reviews

  • WaiführerWaiführer52,429
    06 Jul 2022
    0 0 0
    This is barely a game since there's no story and only one small map but it at least runs fairly well and has an interesting design philosophy...

    It takes about 10 minutes to 100% complete the game and there is an online leaderboard which tracks your highest score. The only end-condition is when you die.


    There are hell girls which are just red demon bodied female shapes that follow you around and shoot fireballs.

    There are giant phallic tree things that shoot white stuff at you when you attack them.

    And finally there are little worms all over the place that wiggle around and explode when you shoot them.


    There are red skull thingies? that heal you when you collect them.

    There are white skulls that can be shot to break open and reveal healthpacks (red skull thingies)


    Most of the achievements are just kill x demons or die x times. The only notable one is the "Leap of Faith" achievement which requires you to find a rock in the lava and jump onto it.

    Final verdict: This game is not a game, it is a toy. I 100% completed it in 10 minutes and then uninstalled. Maybe worthwhile for achievement hunting when it's on sale.
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