LIMBO Reviews

  • The Horror NetworkThe Horror Network216,873
    16 Jun 2017
    3 0 0
    By now you've probably heard about the highly renowned platformer Limbo. The game has won a bucket full of awards since its release, and rightfully so. Artistically, it was one of the pioneers of the black and white, minimalistic silhouette design; it went on to inspire a plethora of copycats. Though often duplicated, the experience that comes from playing Limbo is one that's unique, and it could never be duplicated even if one tried hard. Originally launching in 2010 for most platforms, the title found its way on to steam in the middle of 2011.

    There's no real outward story to speak of, but rather a series of events that the developer, Playdead, have left gamers to interpret for themselves. A small boy wakes up in a new, unforgiving, and sometimes treacherous land, but it soon becomes apparent that he's chasing after someone. The landscape begins as a forest, laden in thick fog, but later turns into a crumbling city. You may think that at some point you'll come across even the tiniest spark of color, but alas all is gloom here. Be prepared to meet some characters that are like you, stuck in the void as they bombard you with obstacles, but most that you meet will be dead; ususally by apparent suicide.

    The world of Limbo is filled with platforming puzzles and hazardous traps that will undoubtedly keep you on your toes. While taking in the haunting scenery, you may find yourself victim to stepping on a well hidden bear trap, or not quite making a precision jump that ends with you landing on a bed of spikes. Maybe you think you need to push a box further into the water, only to find out that you cannot swim, and subsequently you drown. Death will come many times over for you, though favorably the checkpoints in this sinister land are forgiving. Much like its aesthetic design, the controls are also simple; you can jump, walk, climb, and move some items.

    Truly a haunting, gloomy, and at times depressive experience, Limbo is an amazing platformer. Even those like myself that may not be enthusiasts on the genre will find themselves enjoying this bleak adventure. There's no tutorial, given the simple design of the game. There's no text, the world and its events are left up to your perception and imagination. Despite the lack of narrated story, the game stands strong and immersive. It's one title that you won't forget for years to come. Highly recommended for platformer lovers, enjoyers of the bleak and depressive, and those seeking an unforgettable event.

    Rating: 5.0/5.0 - An astonishing achievement, this game must be played.
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