4. Just Cause 3 Story (Act 2)

After depriving Di Ravello of Insula Fonte, the rebellion now looks west to Insula Dracon.

Just Cause 3 | Act 2

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Story Mission 2-1: Of Cows and Wine

Mario will have a radio next to a cow, and try to convince Rico to kiss it. For whatever reason, he will, and then he’ll be tasked to drive a truck with Di Ravello’s best wine to the rebels for a celebration of the liberation of Insula Fonte.

You can drive as slowly as you want or as fast as you want, but if you lose around four barrels or so of wine, you’ll get a mission failure. Soon, a truck on fire will just show up on the side road and drive next to you, so try not to be caught in the upcoming explosion. Once you reach the rebels, the mission ends.

Story Mission 2-2: Connect the Dots

Tom Sheldon will meet you at the lighthouse in Feno and be less than forthcoming with information about Dimah and Mario’s current whereabouts, which is extremely unlike him if you’ve played the other two Just Cause games. There will be gunboats coming after Mario, so pilot the nearby helicopter and take them out. Then, head for Mario.

There will be several gunboats already positioned around him, and more are soon to come, so take them out when you can. A helicopter will also arrive on scene, so be prepared. When all enemies are taken care of, enter the cockpit of the rebel gunboat.

Dimah will be found in the cockpit, and she will tell you it has been fitted with nitrous, more specifically, Boat Nitrous II. There will be an informant with some information about the vehicles exploding near Insula Dracon, so pilot the boat through the minefield and the enemy gunfire.

Rico will find that both informants at this location are dead, and after going through more mines and gunfire, the next two will be revealed to be dead as well. When you get to the third location, you will meet Teo and Annika, who aren’t exactly with the rebellion but still hate Di Ravello just the same. More helis, gunboats, and some tougher boats will approach your position, so take all of them out with your new pals. Once they’re dead, Mario will hobble over to you in critical condition, so everyone will rush to Insula Dracon’s province of Cauda to patch him up.

If you have the Bavarium Sea Heist DLC, you can start it right after you finish this mission.

Story Mission 2-3: An Act of Piracy

Teo and Annika are willing to help Mario recover, but only if you bring them a tank with a Bavarium shield. There will be one about 2km away, so take the plane to your left to its location and hijack it when its shields are down (they switch between up and down).

Then, take the tank through all sorts of enemy fire, and watch out for explosive barrels in the road. I lost half my health on the tank because I didn’t look where I was going and ran straight into them. When you reach the drop-off point, park the tank into the boat and the mission will end.

Story Mission 2-4: Three's Company

Dimah, Teo, and Annika all have different plans for what to do with their new tank, and then they all decide to use their combined skill to hack out some more information from Di Ravello to best use the tank’s capabilities. Rico will be providing cover fire most of the time while Annika and Teo do the dirty work.

Your first objective will be to get to the vantage point. You don’t need to pick up a sniper rifle at the top, because you can leave that position to take out enemies whenever you feel like. Once all of them are down, get to the next vantage point. Teo will start hacking once he gets there with Annika, so you’ll have to provide more cover fire with either your sniper rifle or whatever else you’ve got on you.

When they finish, the pair will grab a nearby helicopter. Grapple onto it and get ready to fire at some more enemies. Helicopters and other weaponized vehicles will come to attack you, but keep in mind that all it takes to down a helicopter is a nicely placed tether to the ground, and a yank. When the coast is clear, Annika and Teo will bring the info to Dimah and meet you later.

Story Mission 2-5: A Long and Dangerous Road

Sheldon seems to be becoming more and more shady as time passes. Dimah has created an EMP to test out on the Bavarium tanks, an EMP which might explode. The three of you will have to do a test run and drive all the way over to where the tanks are. As with all missions in this particular Act, liberating as much as you can of Insula Dracon beforehand will make all missions in Act 2 much easier due to less enemy attackers.

After a small drive, enemies will come out of the blue and shoot at you. Take them out and continue, only to find more enemies to try and stop you. Along the way, vehicles will drive up to you all, so you can use an old Just Cause 2 tactic of tethering vehicles to the ground and watching them fly. Helicopters won’t have the same reaction to tethers, so when they do show up, reel them into the ground.

After a long and dangerous road, Rico, Teo and Annika will arrive on scene and use the EMP, to find out that the tanks and all surrounding vehicles blow up shortly after. Then you are treated to a quite important bit of information.

Story Mission 2-6: Abandon Ship

All of a sudden, tons of Di Ravello’s forces are coming to Grotto Contrabanero to destroy the EMP and to kill Dimah and - coincidentally - Tom Sheldon knows too. Unfortunately, Annika and Teo don’t want to be caught up in a fight so large, and leave it to you. Mario, though, will fight by your side to protect Dimah.

There will first be barrages of enemy vehicles coming out of the tunnel to the right and from those ships that hold cars. Either take out the enemies or tether the cars to the rock walls and reel them in for an explosion. After a while, helicopters will fly in and try to take out the EMP, so take them out too. Soon enough, there will be masses of enemies coming at you in vehicles, and the EMP will be primed. Activate it and all surrounding vehicles will be destroyed.

Shortly after, paratroopers will fall from the sky, and from the sea will come two battleships. a gunboat, and two helicopters. Take out the battleships first using the CS Negotiator near the top right of the building the EMP is planted on, because the guns on the battleships in this game seem to be the most accurate thing in the world. After a bit more fighting, the EMP will be primed again, so activate it and wipe out any of Di Ravello’s forces.

Only a smidge of opposition will remain, and then after it is taken out, the mission will end.

Story Mission 2-7: Electromagnetic Pulse

Note: Before you can start this mission, you must first liberate three provinces in the region of Insula Dracon.

Like in The Secret of Vis Electra, Rico will be following pipes to his destination in order to disable the FOW of Insula Dracon, which in this case is a Bavarium EMP.

Follow the pipes until you get to a small cave, and soon you will be greeted by a couple of boats and some soldiers on the beach. Take them out and then head for the gate, which Dimah will again hack open for you. Swim through a long tunnel to reach a small pocket of air, and then swim some more to reach the door switch.

The switch will be broken, and Dimah will mention that there should be a tunnel connecting the room you’re in to the room with the generators. The tunnel will be on the right side of the room, so jump in there and swim to the other side.

Now, all you have to do is blow up the three pieces of machinery like last time, and head out through the new exit to the right. Now you can liberate Corda Dracon: CentCom.

Story Mission 2-8: Tangled Up in Blue

Note: Before you can start this mission, you must first liberate the province of Corda Dracon, which has only one location, Corda Dracon: CentCom.

There is all-out war going on, thanks to Mario’s discreet intel manoeuvring. Like in Act 1, there will be some battles going on that you will have to help win. The first one is about 3km away, so try to find a helicopter at Corda Dracon and fly there. Once there, you will face many enemies trying to destroy the rebel plane. Regardless of whether it explodes or takes off like it’s supposed to, you’ll make a large amount of progress towards winning this war.

Next will be a rebel ship that needs to land at the beach. Take another chopper to the ship, taking out any enemy watercraft if you can, and then pilot the ship to shore. Use the ship’s cannons to destroy any enemies firing at you.

The last battle you need to fight is a convoy of four vehicles and a Bavarium tank. Take out the convoy in any order you wish and then fly over to the power plant to take out the generator.

First, you must blow up the shielding preventing you from entering the main chamber where the actual generators are. Then locate each generator’s own shielding switch and destroy all three generators. The only way out now is up, so rush to the tunnel heading skyward and you’ll blast off into the sky.

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