Fallout: New Vegas (EEU) Reviews

  • AstaritusAstaritus306,640
    30 Apr 2024
    0 0 0
    Relive the story of a nameless Courier who, even after “death,” is ready to do anything to complete the task assigned to him!


    Availability of achievements

    Localization into several languages, including Russian

    Support for saves from the EU version of the game

    Support for custom modifications

    Great soundtrack

    Tactical combat system V.A.T.S.

    Character customization

    Possibility of character improvement

    Ability to modify weapons

    Large open world

    Moral and ethical choices that affect the relationship of the world to the character

    The player's actions affect the world around him

    Wide dialogue tree

    Using retrofuturism as the basis for the visual style of the game

    Variety of additional storylines and tasks

    Almost all tasks have several solutions

    The presence of hundreds of entries in the computer, which expands the ENT game

    Availability of “auto-move” function

    Several game endings

    Availability of companions to help you in the world of New Vegas

    Possibility of starting your own house or apartment

    Ability to explore the world outside the game map

    Possibility of killing almost all NPCs on your way

    Own card game “Caravans”

    New mechanics

    New items and weapons

    Redesigned lighting

    Did not like:

    Increased mouse sensitivity in the game menu

    Yellow color of the game’s main menu interface, which blends in with the background images

    Long loading levels

    Periodic FPS drops

    Possible freezing while loading levels

    Possible crashes to the desktop without error windows

    Restriction on the availability of in-game currency from merchants

    The presence of glow-in-the-dark pupils for NPCs and the hero

    Poor character animations

    Weak AI of enemies and allies

    Low quality textures

    Problems with balancing damage/effects of enemies

    Possibility of getting stuck while moving over rocks/stones/various objects and objects

    The character cannot use the jump if there is a rock/stone/wall nearby

    Problem with shooting accuracy and weapon spread

    An abundance of invisible walls that interfere with exploration of the world and surroundings

    The presence of cracks in the textures of objects, allowing you to look into the “Underside” of the world

    The presence of visible limiting textures in shop windows/destroyed houses/buildings/objects

    No restrictions on the sale of goods if the Seller does not have money to purchase the player’s goods. All goods sold beyond the seller's capabilities will simply be removed from the player's inventory

    No selling of “garbage” in the player’s inventory - with one click

    Uninformative “Tasks” tab, which provides only “general” information about tasks, without the ability to re-read mission details

    Lack of Trader marks on the mini-radar and the player’s local map

    In a number of “important” NPC conversations, the player cannot move

    A bug where enemies can get stuck in textures/objects

    Glitch with an increase in severed limbs from corpses

    A glitch with some discarded items from the player’s backpack, in the houses of wasteland residents - which instantly become “strangers” and are returned to them - is considered theft

    When removing objects from a backpack, some objects may “roll” outside the location or disappear into the textures of other objects

    Visual glitch with dynamite, which may display a burning animation

    Some enemy objects and weapons may remain in the air after his death

    Visual glitch, in which the sleeves and trouser legs of suits that were removed from the main body remain on severed limbs

    Glitch with the quest for the “Brahmin Night Killer”, in which the Shadow can stand at the Brahmin camp all day without using a stealth kid

    Increased accuracy for NPC opponents

    Problems with targeting mines during mine clearance

    If you quickly switch views from first to third and back while running, the game will break and your character will fly. But you won’t be able to stop or interact with the pipboy or objects/NPCs/call up the game menu

    The appearance of enemy/NPC models within each other

    Model of the robot cowboy Victor, capable of appearing in the tent of the Followers of the Apocalypse, without the ability to roll out

    Abundance of loading screens

    A bug with the exit from the NKR Secret Shelter in which allies get stuck in textures

    Glitch with stretched textures in a number of locations

    A bug with a shotgun trap on the mission to rescue Morales’ corpse, which will hang in the air

    Opponents see the hero if he is in stealth using a stealth battle with a pumped-up stealth skill

    Lack of indication of the necessary statistics for weapon/item possession

    Carrying Morales' dead body mission (no training to carry items with Z)

    A bug in which Lieutenant Curtis, in spy mania, admits that he works as a mole at the first meeting

    The character gets stuck in the textures of monorail cars

    If you are attacked by bandits in the Strip, no one will come to your aid, neither the robots standing nearby, nor the NKR

    Allies do not know how to use antidote/stimulants on their own

    Task to catch the virus in the terminals of the Brotherhood of Steel

    Satellites block narrow passages

    A bug with the appearance of Boone/Victoria in locations, in which they “move” in the animation of sitting on a chair

    The appearance of opponents/creatures directly in front of the player

    An abundance of gameplay problems due to the short release time of the game and add-ons

    Opportunity to go beyond the game level

    Problem with the physics of objects; if picked up, all neighboring objects begin to move and jump on their own

    Problems with sound positioning accuracy (very noticeable in the Blood Money add-on)

    Spawn enemies under the map

    If the player takes Willis's clothes, the protagonist's model will still be wearing them

    Lack of insurance in blackjack

    Lack of music in the Gomorrah casino

    Lack of music in the Ultra Lux casino

    Glitch using a mysterious magnum

    Collision contact bug

    The White Glove administrator moves along the longest path to the character at the card table

    For some reason, in the end credits of Lonesome Road, the Courier wears a Vault 21 jumpsuit

    White-legged creatures appear directly from the air in front of the player - according to the script, without using “stealth combat”

    Bug with the absence of Gorely at the end of the battle with Sol-on-Wounds

    If you take your partners with you to the “Smart Home” and go to the Magnetic-Hydraulic Complex, then the characters will walk along the bottom and not swim


    Fallout: New Vegas is a game that was released in 2010 and instantly gained recognition among fans of the Fallout series and fans of role-playing games. And that it was again at the top of the Steam popularity chart, almost 14 years after its release. The series, produced by Amazon Prime Video, was such a success that it encouraged “newbies” to explore the Wasteland for the first time, and veterans to remember their “best moments” and immerse themselves in them again.

    “Fallout: New Vegas” is an open world game set in a post-apocalyptic world after a nuclear disaster. The player will have to explore the wasteland of New Vegas, interact with various characters, complete tasks and make key decisions that affect the development of the plot and the ending of the game.

    This game is famous for its exciting plot, detailed characters and world, many tasks and choices that influence the development of the story. Particularly noteworthy are the carefully crafted moral dilemmas and the ability to define the protagonist's path.

    One of the key aspects of the game is the reputation system, which determines how other characters treat the player based on his actions. Your choices affect your relationships with different factions and can cause different consequences in the game world.

    It is worth noting the variety of weapons, armor, items and “abilities” that allow you to customize your character to suit your playstyle. Explore a variety of locations in New Vegas, meet unique characters and engage in exciting battles - despite the limited variety of enemies and landscapes, it is still quite exciting and exciting.

    An important aspect of the game is the crafting system, which allows you to create and improve weapons, armor, medicine and other items from materials found in the game world. Crafting provides ample opportunities, including for personalizing equipment, as well as increasing the effectiveness of the character.

    Another interesting aspect of Fallout: New Vegas is the companion system. Players can travel with a variety of allies, each with their own unique story, skills, and personality. Interacting with companions not only adds depth to the game, but also affects the plot and the outcome of certain events.

    At the same time, the game is also known for its characteristic features of the Fallout series: dark humor (which is partially lost in localizations into languages other than English), a post-apocalyptic world, a retro-futuristic style, and of course, many secrets and Easter eggs to explore.

    One of the strengths of “Fallout: New Vegas” is the musical accompaniment and atmospheric sound design, which create a unique post-apocalyptic atmosphere and immerse the player in the amazing and dark world of the game. But even by turning off the in-game music and turning off the radio in his pip-boy, the player will still be able to fully enjoy the rich sound of nature and the environment, creating a feeling of “bubbling life” in the endless wastelands, invisible to the player’s eyes.

    “Fallout: New Vegas” has received numerous awards and recognition from gaming journalists and the gaming community for its depth, freedom of action and unique combination of RPG and shooter elements. But it also became a global “meme”, due to a million problems and errors - which were not corrected by the developers from Obsidian Entertainment for decades. And what has to be corrected is the players themselves.

    "Fallout: New Vegas" not only offers an exciting adventure in the Fallout universe, but also impresses with the depth and variety of plot development options, which makes it one of the most significant and popular games in this series.

    Overall, Fallout: New Vegas is a game that can keep you entertained for dozens of hours thanks to its varied missions, colorful characters, and unforgettable moments. However, unlike “Fallout 3,” this game has a number of problems that prevent it from being enjoyed immediately after launch. The game is not optimized for modern gaming systems, which leads to various bugs and critical errors that cause frequent freezes and crashes. Therefore, trying to beat the game can turn into a real challenge.

    However, no matter your RPG experience, Fallout: New Vegas is sure to please you with its potential and depth of gameplay. However, you will have to spend time customizing the game with a variety of custom modifications and patches that will correct the shortcomings of the developers at Obsidian Entertainment.

    Tip: The game has optimization issues due to limitations of the game engine when running on modern gaming systems. If you are frequently thrown out of the game with various errors, try lowering your graphics settings. Many problems running older games are caused by players setting the graphics settings too high, and the games were not designed for such settings. Lowering the settings from “ultra” to “high” can significantly improve your experience in the Mojave Desert.
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