Cathedral Reviews

  • missiloonmissiloon406,650
    01 Dec 2019
    1 0 0
    Game info:
    This game gives me a sense of nostalgia. It is a totally different game, but it reminds me of "Super Ghosts 'n Ghouls" on the SNES. This is a fun Metroidvania in which you play as a speechless knight who is stuck in a cathedral and you have to find a way to get out. It also has interesting boss fights; they can be a bit challenging. This game really gives me the vibes old SNES games gave me, partly because of the artwork and the music.

    You collect money throughout this game, which you can use to buy upgrades for your character. Every time you die, you lose 10% of your money (with items you can lower this percentage). It might be a good idea to store your money in the bank when you get that ability a little bit later in the game.

    If you feel stuck, take a good look at your map, because there are walls you can destroy to get through. On the map, you can see all the rooms in your current area which may give a clue where a breakable wall might be.

    Achievements info:
    The achievements are what you expect in a Metroidvania game. You have to kill X amount of a monster type, collect all the upgrades and collectibles (books in this case). Get an X amount of money on the bank. Stuff like this you'll work on during your playthrough and might to have to mop up at the end.

    The only missable achievement seems to be beating the game without upgrading your armor. If you want to get all the achievements during 1 playthrough you should not upgrade your armor; you can freely use the armor augments though.

    Pros & cons:
    + A fun, nostalgic feeling Metroidvania
    + Fun boss fights
    - No guide yet, so it might be hard to find all the collectibles

    I hope you found my review useful. If you don't mind helping me out, consider following my curator page, thank you!
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