Carpe Diem Reviews

  • Titanium DragonTitanium Dragon154,740
    13 Apr 2016
    2 0 0
    This is a hyper-short meta-game. Clocking in at about 10 minutes in length, there isn't much to it. It is basically a standard dating game VN until the end, at which point it isn't... allegedly. In reality, it is basically just a standard dating game VN with a twist ending which makes it into a meta-game rather than a game.

    I've seen similar twists executed better, and, alas, this game didn't have much to say other than the twist – it failed to really do anything more than deliver a take that to the audience, and it extends little understanding to the sort of person that dating game VNs appeal to (which, frankly, isn’t me to begin with).

    Is it bad? Not really. But unless you're really into twist endings - and you haven't seen something like this before - there's not much to it.
  • transyotransyo23,069
    12 May 2017
    1 0 0
    From Eyzi and Moonlit Studios comes Carpe Diem; a free to play, casual, anime visual novel. This features one steam achievement, and an extra package that requires purchase.

    In this very short kinetic novel, you will play as Jung who's meeting up and hanging out with a girl named Ai. Spend your time wisely.

    What makes someone perfect? Experience this short bittersweet story in the shoes of the main character, Jung, where you will spend your time hanging out with a girl named Ai. Ai is everything Jung wishes for in a woman... except for one very important thing. A thing he prefers to disregard in order for them to have the best time of their lives.
    You have a day to enjoy your date and see the world from Jung's point-of-view.

    I completed this game extremely quickly. I played it for a minute, unlocked the achievement, and then just deleted the game.

    First of all, the art is really nice to look at. It's got a good style and I found it enjoyable. The story, I found extremely boring and ended up speed clicking through it after making my decision on where to go.

    The achievement is unmissable - you get it via playing the game, simple as.

    I feel like the whole idea behind this game is about wasting your life, what are you doing with your life, etc. I wasn't keen on it, and the twist at the end felt like a total let down. I actually felt like I had wasted money downloading this game - a free to play game.

    Then again, it's one achievement, it's easy to grab so achievement hunters, this may be an easy one for you to grab and just get the achievement to up your numbers a little bit.
  • DukeDuke16,313
    01 Oct 2016
    1 3 1
    Possibly the fastest completion I've ever had.
    Simply speed click through the game to complete it in two minutes!
    The only achievement is unmissable, and it even has pretty graphics.
    10/10 would skip plot again

    Possibly the fastest completion I've ever had.
    Simply speed click through the game to complete it in two minutes!
    The only achievement is unmissable, and it even has pretty graphics.
    10/10 would skip plot again

    Possibly the fastest completion I've ever had.
    Simply speed click through the game to complete it in two minutes!
    The only achievement is unmissable, and it even has pretty graphics.
    10/10 would skip plot again

    Possibly the fastest completion I've ever had.
    Simply speed click through the game to complete it in two minutes!
    The only achievement is unmissable, and it even has pretty graphics.
    10/10 would skip plot again

    Possibly the fastest completion I've ever had.
    Simply speed click through the game to complete it in two minutes!
    The only achievement is unmissable, and it even has pretty graphics.
    10/10 would skip plot again
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