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Fallout 4 1.5 Steam Update (1.5.157)

  • RebornReborn75,380
  • Posted on 01 May 16 at 09:47
    I'm utterly baffled why they didn't make the new Survival difficulty a set of options, not a single overhaul. I'd love the extra challenge of harder enemies and staying hydrated, avoiding diseases, even needing to sleep, but no fast travel? No saves without crawling across the Commonwealth to find a bloody bed of sufficient size and quality to both sleep well and save my game!?
    Also it's a one hit option... turn to any other difficulty and you can't return to Survival! Seems a bit fascistic don't ya think?? Thank god for mods! Oh no, hang on, Bethesda have marched their stormtroopers into the modding scene now too!! Join the Bethesda Party for officially sanctioned and soon to be paid for mods!! wink Guaranteed all nudity and fun removed!!
    Thanks for almost destroying my game Bethesda.
  • RebornReborn75,380
    Posted on 01 May 16 at 14:23
    Considering that in New Vegas you could switch to "Hardcore" on the fly I'd have to agree with you. Anything called "Survival" should be one hell of a challenge.

    As far as the mods, I doubt they will make them paid unless it's an official DLC. Last time Steam started charging for Bethesda mods on the Workshop it didn't end well.
    Moderator and Newshound here on TSA | Walkthrough Supervisor and Site Help Editor on TA
  • Posted on 02 May 16 at 17:54
    I remember toasting marshmallows with my pitchfork! laugh
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