I Was in China Before achievement in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition

I Was in China Before

Defeat the Jin before they start constructing a Wonder in the third Genghis Khan mission "Into China".

I Was in China Before0
3 guidesOffline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Buggy - - These achievements may unlock after the requirements have been met or not at all.
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How to unlock the I Was in China Before achievement

  • Please_Stand_ByPlease_Stand_By60,260
    26 Feb 2024 26 Feb 2024
    0 0 0
    Как только начали сценарий, сразу бегите на восток, загружайтесь на транспортный корабль и плывите по узкой речке на восток. Высаживаемся сначала к инженерам, забираем крестьян и осадные, и переплываем на северную часть желтого острова, где обитают Цзинь.
    Пока крестьяне максимально отстраиваются посреди леса, атакуем тараном и конницей северные ворота, а потом ближайшие башни. Таран можно отгонять на починку, исходного золота пока хватает.
    Переходит в замковую эпоху, строим замок прямо на территории желтого, около каменных залежей. Он не будет позволять добывать ему древесину и будет вынуждать тратить крестьян.
    Далее я продвинулся южнее и поставил второй замок прямо посреди застройки желтого, с замка же уничтожил городской центр и игрок сдался
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  • xalexjbxxalexjbx69,064
    11 Jun 2020 12 Jun 2020 12 Jun 2020
    0 0 0
    Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition (PC) - Achievement - I Was in China Before

    Defeat the Jin before they start constructing a Wonder in the third Genghis Khan mission "Into China".

    Time is of the essence with this achievement, so bear that in mind from the start. The Jin are your most powerful opponent on this mission and they normally start to construct a Wonder around 25 - 30 minutes in - This can vary a little. The faster you attack them, the easier they are to defeat. One helpful tool shown in this video is the 6 x Bombard Cannons that will join you if you are able to reach them. This really helps as it's difficult to get an effective siege group together in the time that you need it, so take advantage of these and keep them alive as best you can. You can defend against your other enemies quite effectively just by blocking them off and building a castle at your base, so you can focus solely on attacking the Jin once you've done this.
    The Jin have a fair amount of cavalry, so I found Pikemen to be a cheap and effective counter. It helps to build up on their island, rather than ferrying troops from your base all the time. You don't need gold or stone early on much, so try and focus on food and wood, but there should be a little time to get some gold or stone at some point - The stone can be particularly helpful to build castles in the Jin territory as you are pushing. Just make sure you keep the pressure on them. It's not good enough to just have them on the ropes, you really need to finish them or they may still randomly build a wonder.

    *PLEASE NOTE* This achievement was bugged and wouldn't always trigger in previous versions, but triggers fine in the current version

  • DrakhaonDrakhaon65,326
    09 Dec 2019 11 Dec 2019
    0 0 1
    Bugged achievement.
    If you still wanna get it, try following the steps below (dunno what are the mandatory ones)
    - get the villagers at the engineer village, but dont destroy all the buildings
    - set your city at the far east of the map, rush imp and kill yellow before 40 min (mostly skirms and trebs)
    - DONT DESTROY THE MARKET AND THE 9X BLACKSMITHS, raze everything else (not the walls)
    - destroy a few towers on the china wall
    - raze blue city
    - kill green, then red, then teal
    - don't get the bombards

    There seems to be no difference if the ennemy is "defeated" or "resigned"

    Hope it helps
    Showing only comment.
    DonMattJust rush through Jin base and kill his villagers (and destroy TC) to make him surrender.
    Posted by DonMatt on 19 Mar 20 at 14:18
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